Chapter Eleven: Avalyn

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Getting into the party was surprisingly straightforward. We didn't waste time standing in the endless line that snaked around the mansion-sized house, believing it to be too risky, and more importantly, too time-consuming. Instead, we relied on our vampiric speed to slip in undetected, effortlessly bypassing the front security.

The extravagant mansion stretched out before me, its grandeur seemingly endless. It dwarfed anything I'd ever laid eyes on, a testament to the incomprehensible wealth of its owner. The sheer magnitude of the estate was awe-inspiring, yet also unsettling. As I gazed upon the opulent facade, I couldn't help but wonder about the source of such immense wealth. It was a chilling thought, considering the possibilities of where those funds might have originated.

As I mingled among the elite guests, it became painfully clear just how wealthy and powerful they truly were. In comparison, my parents' home seemed like a modest abode. I had always known that the Wellingtons held significant influence, overseeing various duties, but I had naively assumed they were on a similar level to my own parents.

However, standing amidst the opulence of their mansion, I realized how mistaken I had been. The Wellingtons were not just wealthy; they were on an entirely different echelon of wealth and power. My parents must have been mere specks in comparison, overshadowed by the overwhelming presence of the Wellingtons. It was abundantly clear who held the reins of authority in this domain.

When Idalia initially mentioned that she had lost her phone while evading both WWA and my former friends, I was ready to call off the entire mission. But she insisted adamantly that we would be safe, and I chose to trust in her judgment. After all, Idalia wouldn't knowingly put us in harm's way.

As a precautionary measure, Idalia has ditched her usual blonde locks and opted for a high-quality brown wig, complemented by even darker contacts. Her makeup, meticulously applied, accentuates the sharp angles of her cheekbones, giving them a sunken appearance that adds to her allure. Her face radiates with a high-glamour aesthetic, a departure from her usual style. The transformation is so convincing that I barely recognized her at first glance, and I doubt anyone else will, unless they look too closely.

Idalia has confirmed that WWA most likely wasn't even aware of her true identity or name when they shot darts at her. Their focus is undoubtedly fixed on Cierien and Wrath, now that they're in the same city where everything takes place. They probably assume they're plotting something, perhaps intending to bring WWA into the fray. In their eyes, Idalia is merely another vampire caught in the crossfire, at least, that's what she's said, and I trust that.

For two centuries, she has skillfully evaded detection by WWA, remaining hidden in the shadows. Despite the man's knowledge of her true identity, he has yet to make a move to expose her or alert his subordinates to her presence. The mysterious nature of their relationship only deepens my curiosity, leaving me to ponder their connection. It's a puzzle that doesn't quite fit together, and I can't shake the feeling that there's more to the story than meets the eye. While I harbor hopes of uncovering the truth in due time, I know better than to rely on Idalia for answers. She's proven elusive and enigmatic, keeping her own secrets close to her chest.

The possibility that my past could be present tonight looms ominously. If, by some stroke of luck, they managed to access Idalia's phone and uncover the events listed in her calendar, it could spell trouble. Idalia insists that the phone is beyond repair, having smashed it to pieces when she kicked it into a brick wall. Still, I refuse to leave anything to chance. I remain vigilant and prepared, just in case they do make an appearance. After all, in this world, it's better to be overly cautious than caught off guard.

They won't recognize me either. While Cierien may have looked directly into my eyes, there are several other changes that would deter them from identifying me. To err on the side of caution, I borrowed a pair of Idalia's contacts. Blue eyes and blonde hair present a stark contrast to the dark eyes and black hair they remember me by. And if that wasn't enough, the tattoos that adorn my arms and the few piercings on my face would surely give them pause for thought.

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