Mikey x Reader x Leo - Dr.Prankenstein and Madame Mischief (Part 2)

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"Hey Mikey!"

The said freckle faced turtle's head shot up at the sound of your voice, completely abandoning the episode of Space Heroes he'd been watching with Leo.

And while he rushed over to you see what was up and say hi, Leo internally groaned knowing you were here.

It wasn't that he didn't like you or anything. You were a fun person to be around.

It was just that nine times out of ten when you came over, you and Mikey ended up pulling some dumb prank on the rest of them.

Sure, it'd been funny at first, and it was nice that Mikey had someone to hang out with that had common interests. But after awhile, the constant pranking grew very old, very fast.

And with the last one you guys pulled, waking him up in the middle of the night blaring Kesha, he was about done. It was like the song was still echoing around in his skull.

That whole thing fresh in his mind, he figured that it was finally time to say something. And hopefully put an end to the craziness.

Or slow it down at least.

He paused the TV with a sigh, standing from his spot on the floor and tossing the remote onto the couch.

Turning to his younger brother and you, his expression went blank when he saw you guys already hovering over something in a bag, snickering quietly to yourselves.

He may be too late....

Walking over to you both anyway, he stood behind Mikey with his arms crossed, an eyebrow raised and a serious look on his face.

You looked up and saw him, and a huge grin took over your face.

"Hey Leo, how's it goinnnnn?"

Mikey spun around to look at his brother after you made his presence known, but Leo's gaze remained on you.

"Tell me you're not pulling Mikey in on another prank."

You placed a hand over your heart in mock offense, a fake gasp leaving your lips at his words.

"Jeez, you act like I'm a bad influence or something."

Leo's face just screamed that he agreed with that statement, and you rolled your eyes, the grin finding it's way back to your face.

"Ok that's just hurtful." You laughed. "But to answer your question, no. I'm not pulling him in on another prank."

Leo almost breathed in relief.

But then you continued.

"I just brought the stuff for the prank he pulled me in on."

At this his blue eyes moved to his brother, who had an  'innocent' smile on his childish face, obviously trying to make it look like he wasn't in the middle of his schemes.


Before he even had a chance to lecture his little brother for the millionth time, he was cut off.

"Leo, chillax bro. It's not for you guys." Mikey said, like everything was perfectly fine, cocking his head with a lazy smile.

Leo's eyebrows shot up, his arms unfolding themselves as he stepped closer to see what was in the bag. "Then who's it for?"

His eyes widened at what he saw, not fully getting the plan, but having somewhat of an idea.

He watched as you and Mikey looked at each other, seemingly speaking to one another through your eyes, devilish grins on both of your faces.

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