Chapter Three - Nothings Free in Highbridge

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Navigating through the familiar stretch of our street, my gaze naturally gravitated towards a gathering of individuals, their presence a palpable assertion of ownership over the corner they occupied. Their attire, a monochrome symphony of black and white, seemed orchestrated to harmonize with each other as if showcasing a silent declaration of belonging. Ink etched into their skin, narrating tales of their lives, transforming their bodies into living canvases.

Among them stood Little Micky, a diminutive figure whose statue belied his influence within the group. His ebony sleek back locks did little to add inches to his frame, shielded behind dark shades that hid his gaze from the relentless glare of the sun. Chad in knee-length black trousers and long white socks that ascended beneath, concealing his bare calves from view, he exuded an air of authority despite his size. And he was more than just a figurehead; he was my father's closest friend.

Waving me down I obliged by veering slightly to the side. Micky, along with Chewy, and Biggs walked up to Sammy's and Kara's side of the windows. "What's up, little miss Cammy?" Chewy's voice boomed through the air, prompting giggles from the girls in the back as his sizable head emerged though the passenger window.

His curls, dark and unruly, were tamed today into a streamlined bun, though rebellious fringes escaped that framed his face with a touch of wildness. He casually perched his shades behind his head showing his full features. A faded teardrop tattoo adorned the left corner of his eye, its once-bold lines now softened into a ghostly grey, a stark contrast to the ink peeking from beneath the collar of his shirt.

"Move your big ass head," Micky grumbled, nudging his friend aside with a shove.

Leaning down at our level, his arms dangled at the base of the window frame. He took his shades off revealing his cloudy blues. Fixing his gaze upon me, a mischievous twinkle dancing in his eye. "How's it going, princess?

The moniker grated against me, a relic from childhood that refused to fade. At eighteen, being called "princess" was the least desirable title I could imagine.

I rolled my eyes in response, a silent protest to his teasing. Micky's grin widened at my irritation, reveling in the familiar banter we shared. I knew why he'd flagged me down, and the anticipation gnawed at me as I waited for his inevitable inquiry.

"So, how are you really doing?" he pressed on, his tone softer now, tinged with genuine concern. "Your old man's been asking about you. Says you haven't been by lately."

"Aw, come on Camila," Chewy interjected, his voice a thunderous interruption from the background. "You ain't talk to your dad?"

"Shut it, Chewy," Sammy shot back, her voice cutting through the air as she looked back at him. "Mind your own business."

"Alright, alright, chill, Sammy," Chewy relented, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender as he backed away from the impending confrontation with my fiercely protective best friend.

Micky's laugh rumbled through the car. "Better watch out, we got the real Sammy the Bull right here."

As his chuckle faded into the background, I felt a vibration beneath me. My phone chimed, and I snatched it up eagerly, greeted by my mother's familiar face again.

"She said she could watch him. I ordered pizza for dinner. It should be there in like an hour, love you."

Relief washed over me, unknotting the tension in my stomach. With that settled, the only task left was informing the girls that I wouldn't be joining them at the party tonight.

I texted back. "Love you," before putting my phone away.

Across the street, a group of teenagers engaged in a spirited game of basketball on the courts adjacent to our apartment building. My gaze lingered past the courts and onto the colossal tower I called home. Its size daunting even from this distance. Though spacious on the outside, the cramped quarters within barely accommodated three people. Thoughts of my little brother flashed through my mind, and I checked the time on the warn dashboard.

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