Chapter Thirteen- Level Fifteen

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My head nestled against Dominic's shoulder while Sammy sprawled on the floor beside me. We agreed that when morning broke, ascending to level fifteen was our best bet for some rest. Conversing with Monic over the walkie, I felt a wave of relief upon learning she and her son were unharmed as well. With our strategy in place, we would get to them and then navigating out of Highbridge to safer territory.

Dominic mentioned his truck stationed near the side entrance, a convenient escape route for us all. The thought of not traversing the levels solo, as I initially intended, brought a sense of relief. With Sammy and Dom at my side, our chances seemed brighter. It marked a rare moment of anticipation amidst the turmoil of this building.

As sleep beckoned, I surrendered to its embrace, knowing that somehow, we would emerge from this.


My eyes snapped open to the piercing sound of my brother's desperate cries reverberating through the walkie. Panic surged through me as I fumbled in the darkness, searching frantically for the device. Beside me, the others stirred, roused from sleep by the urgency in his voice.

"Camilia!" My brother's voice crackled over the static, punctuated by frantic banging on the other end.

"I'm here, Tio! What's happening?" My voice echoed loudly, disregarding any potential threat nearby.

We stood tense, breaths held, awaiting his response.

"They're trying to get in, Camilia! I'm scared!" His words cut off abruptly as the battery died, leaving a heavy silence in its wake.

I released the yellow radio, securing my gun tucked behind me, knife in one hand, flashlight in the other. The darkness outside promised to complicate our escape through the halls. Dominic and Sammy moved swiftly behind me, understanding the gravity of my brother's distress.

Approaching the door, uncertainty loomed over us like a shroud, uncertain of who would survive this ordeal and how far we would push ourselves.

"If I don't make it," I began, voice steady despite the fear pulsing through me, "or if something happens to me..." I trailed off momentarily, steeling myself. "Leave me. Save my brother."

"You're going to make it," Dominic's assurance cut through the tension, his voice unwavering. "We all are."

We all nodded in a silent acknowledgment of the risks ahead. The flickering lights cast eerie shadows as we sprinted towards the stairway door, Dominic leading the way while I illuminated his path from behind.

Dominic's wrench gripped tightly in one hand, the other rendered immobile, as we raced onward. The thunderous stomps and guttural snarls pursued us relentlessly, a horde of zombies hot on our heels coming out of nowhere. With every ounce of strength, we quickened our pace, the doorway looming closer with each stride.

Dominic reached the door first, wrenching it open as Sammy and I bolted through. With a resounding thud, the door slammed shut behind us, sealing off our pursuers for the moment. Dominic wedged his wrench against the handles, a makeshift barricade buying us precious time to flee.

The emergency lights bathed our surroundings in a crimson glow as Dominic stepped forward, his gun drawn, leading our ascent upstairs. Below us, the relentless pounding reverberated, and I prayed the barricade would withstand the onslaught for just a little longer.

My thighs burned with exertion as we maintained our pace, passing level twelve. Suddenly, a sharp crack echoed from below, and we all instinctively glanced down past the railing, greeted by thunderous roars echoing through the towering stairwell. "Shit!" Sammy's curse broke the tense silence.

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