chapter 13

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I blinked A few times as a light was shined In my eyes and my pupils tried to adjust. My gaze moved back and forth as it moved all around before finally being clicked off.

“Basic physical responses are normal…” kerian mused, turning away to look at a clipboard. 

I sat by silently watching him pace for a moment before putting down the papers To retrieve a few items from the cabinet. 

“answer me once more, you do not feel fatigued? Sore? Drowsy? Sick? Anything?” Kerian asked Before walking over and taking my arm to draw blood. 

“No, I feel fine…he didn't do anything to me, as far as I can tell, we just…talked.”

Kerian paused to glance up at me. “He?” He said questionably.

 Turning my gaze away out of awkwardness I mumbled reply. “yeah. From the way S-59 sounds and looks up close I just kind of guessed he was male.”

Kerian hummed as he looked at me then finished gathering a blood sample. Pulling the syringe away he inspected it before putting it away on a tray. 

“and exactly what were you two ‘talking’ about? Did he say why he hasn't been responsive since your first interaction?” 

Staring at the floor I couldn't help but feel like I shouldn't be telling Kerian or anyone about what happened with S-59. 


Kerian watched me for a moment before his gaze moved to my torn shirt. “Remove that. I will grab you another one to cover up with.” He went over to a cabinet and grabbed a clean shirt for me as I removed my coat and the torn top. Instinctively I covered my bra and chest to the best of my abilities with my arms.

Walking back over, Kerian seemed to hesitate as he stared at me and then glanced at the shirt. “May I examine you for injuries?” 

His request caught me off guard and I looked up at him surprised. He's never actually asked my permission for anything before, usually checkups are mundane and repetitive, he always does what he needs to and sends me off. Not once has he ever hesitated or asked me before proceeding.

I merely nodded and he stepped closer, setting the clean shirt off to the side. Slowly I lowered my arms and keiran looked over my front, keeping his gaze away from my breasts and his touching to a minimum. 

“you said it didn't attack you… I see no injuries but it doesn't explain why your clothes were torn.”

“He ripped my shirt but it wasn't to hurt me… he was just curious.” 

Kerian froze as he heard this and his eyes snapped up to mine briefly before he pulled away. “Curious how?” He handed me the shirt which I gladly put on to cover myself up in. 

“I believe He was just trying to figure out how humans protect themselves.” 

Kerian watched me with an unreadable expression. “And did ‘He’ do this to you?” he asked, gently grabbing my chin to look over the nic on my lip.

His proximity and touch made my cheeks flush ever so slightly. After a moment he pulled away and turned his attention elsewhere. “You are free to leave now, you are to return to your quarters And rest until called upon again. if anything happens or you feel strange You are to come to me immediately. I will do another checkup in 12 hours.”

Climbing off the examination table I made my way to the door. I hesitantly looked back at kerian before leaving, as he focused on the task at hand and I couldn't help but wonder as my fingers grazed my lip. ‘What was that about?’ 

Subject-59Where stories live. Discover now