chapter 19

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stepping into the locker room I was pleasantly surprised it was empty, meaning one of the pool rooms might be empty as well. It's always nice to have the pool to yourself so you can swim laps and just relax. 

grabbing a towel I made my way to the other rooms and found a vacant one. changing the sign to occupied I went in and closed the door behind me. 

stripping out of my coat and uniform I turned up the heating dial on the wall and bungled into the water. 

The muffle of the pool blocking out any other sounds filled my ears as the water encased me making me feel not only comforted as it surrounded me but also Clean.

as if my worries were being washed away, rinsed from my skin like specks of dirt. I stayed under, swimming across the room to the other end of the pool before surfacing as gasping for air. grabbing the ledge I leaned against it before angling myself to push away and float on my back back towards the other end. 

closing my eyes I thought back to all the times I attempted to speak with s-59 in the past few days. ‘I can't understand him, why hasn't he come out? Is he purposely avoiding me? or perhaps it's because of the sampling?’

When I asked kerian what happened before I came in to retrieve the samples he merely said s-59 got angry and ended up killing the guards and scientist present in the room. ‘I didn't think he would simply lash out at anyone for no reason so why did he snap? He's been so gentle and calm with me! he's not one to attack without reason– right’

I could only stare at the ceiling while floating on my back in the pool. ‘Is he just angry? even so he's never isolated himself to the point of refusing to leave his vault…’ they even tried forcing him out by sending his food in through the observation room instead of the feeding chute connected to his containment chamber. 

I felt bad seeing the kind of mush they were feeding him was little more than animal remains. they didn't even bother to process the food in any way. they left the bones, fur and all. but I suppose that's how they feed all the carnivorous creatures here.

it's not ideal to have to get food shipped to us constantly to feed the anomalies or even ourselves. Most of the food in supply is stuff that has to be frozen or is a staple that can last an extended period of time.  I miss being able to have fresh meals, I'm sure he does too.

Now that I think about it, I hardly know that much about him or his past. He rarely talks about himself and has never made mention of any others like him or where he's from. I heard a rumor about him being discovered in a long lost cave that was sealed but how could he have survived down there without a food supply?

“Well, well, so this is what you were up to while we've been working our asses off,” a familiar voice spoke up. gasping I spun around to see Matt leaning against the doorway with a smirk on his face.

“w-what are you doing here?!” I quickly moved over to the edge of the pool to climb out. 

“oh I just happened to see you in the hall and was curious where you were rushing off to. should've known that while jade and 

Sarah have been stuck taking care of your workload. You were off playing house with the doctor and taking a dip in the pool!” He mocked.

“You followed me? a-and I didn't ask to be put into the s-59’s testing group, or to have them do my workload, these are all choices made by the director!” I replied. Climbing out of theMatt. I moved to the bench beside the door to quickly grab a towel to cover up in. Even if I still had my undergarments on, I don't feel comfortable being so exposed in front of matt.

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