[C1] Death

622 19 14


Another gunshot that has you running as fast as your weak legs can carry you.


Again, closer, far too close. Your ears were ringing, your mind yelling at you to run as you were panting heavily trying not to stumble over a simple small root. Your body was filled with adrenaline, the only thing keeping you from not dropping down and giving up.

How long have I been running for? Why am I running again?


Oh right...

It was a normal afternoon, you and your dad were helping set up the table while your mom was serving the bowls at the counter, then there were a knock at the door, which got you excited since your cousin was going to visit for dinner so you quickly went over to the front door, almost sliding on the carpet which your dad saw. The two of you chuckled for a few seconds as you adjusted your stance and opened the front door.

But what was there was something you never expected, a gun pointed right at your face, you looked to see the man who held the gun signaling you not to scream, "Hello lad, are your parents home?" he asked in a normal tone, one a casual neighbor would use. From the angle the kitchen doorway was and the front door, your parents wouldn't be able to see what was happening, you could only nod, terrified.

"Who's at the door Y/n?" your father called out, you stepped back, letting the man in, his gun stayed focused on you. The long pause in your silence raised a red flag to your parents, and they walked out to see the man, his gun pointed at you, the next moment happened too quick to process. The man aimed his gun at your parents and managed to shoot your dad but you grabbed a hold on his wrist, messing up his aim which only got your mother's arm shot.

The stranger growled and pushed you to the ground, "You little-", "Y/N RUN!" your mother cried out, "SHUT UP WOMAN" you got up quickly and ran out without thought into the forest, another gunshot rang in your ears, which rushed your adrenaline to run faster. You dodged branches and jumped over bushes, panting heavily as you heard the man's voice shout from behind, "You can't run forever bitch!" you tried to think of some way to get help, or hide even.

Then you saw the old cabin where your old neighbor lived. He died months ago but you kept care of his dogs, and you knew where he stored his guns and knives. You ran to the cabin, whistling for the dogs to come to your aid, three doberman dogs came rushing over quickly from the back of the house, they smelled your fear and almost knew immediately the danger you were in. Two of the dobermans stood guard outside, Redwood and Everest, while the third, Dakota, followed you in the house to the kitchen, where you opened a hidden compartment under the cabinets where the old man hid his fine guns and hunting knives.

You took the pistol and looked at Dakota, your breath was just as shaky as your body, "OH FU-" the sudden shout made you jump as you heard multiple gunshots and the dog's whinings cut off. Your heart dropped, this man is insane. You gripped the pistol in hand and got up and quietly went to hide in one of the rooms upstairs with Dakota, "You brat, where are you?" the man's voice echoed on the walls of the dead house. "Dakota, if i die- i want you to know you were a good girl" you whispered as a tear ran down your face.

Dakota was about to do something before her ears perked up and looked over at the door, which was kicked down in one go, you didn't think and just started shooting at the man, not looking at where you shot in his direction. And before you knew it, you ran out of bullets, "Tch, only one shot on me, such a- HEY GET OFF ME YOU MUTT" you looked over seeing Dakota start attacking the man, he yelled in pain then shot the poor dog dead, "DAKOTA-"


Shot right in the chest, the impact made you fall back. Heavy footsteps came creeping close, he grabbed you by your hair and lifted you up, "If you weren't so stubborn, you wouldn't have died" he hissed, his breath smelled like shit in your face. With the little strength you had left, you took his gun from his hand while his guard was down and you shot him, everything went black after that.

-793 words-

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