[C6] Mission to Cannibal Town

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Before you were able to leave, Charlie walked over, “Oh Y/n, are you're going out?” she asked, “Yeah, just going to clear my head”, “Oh- alright then- uhm if it isn't too much to ask, can you try to find Alastor? He said he was visiting his friend in cannibal town” is hell just a country?- “Sure“ you shrugged, walking out the door. The first few minutes you were just sitting by the path leading to the main area of hell, examining what you could see, then you remembered you didn't know where cannibal town was.

Oh well, I already told her i was going out, surely there might be one demon around nice enough to point directions, maybe you might even run into Redwood or Dakota. So that was it, you got up from your spot and walked down the hill through the street where it practically wreaked of fire and blood and decay, it's hell, of course it will smell like that, you told yourself as you walked through the streets trying to ignore all the fighting and people offering to sell drugs for sex.

Not that you hated sex or avoided drugs, but you were just too busy and just ew- why fuck randos on the street for some drugs that are probably not even that good of a kick? It's wasteful, you knew your worth, and a quicky with a street whore was not something you would give yourself up for. After about 20 minutes of walking, with sadly no signs helping to point directions, you walked up to a very- VERY tall demon that resembles a bat with its wings closed and a top hat and four eyes- LITERALLY, huh, a lot of demons have a whole custom look of some sort while you seemed like a average human with bad sunburned skin and red eyes.

“Excuse me sir, can you point me in the direction of cannibal town?” you asked, the demon turned to look at you and jeez was he creepy, “Ah, art thou new to the underworld?” he asked, tilting his head to look at you, “Yes?-” the way he spoke was like Shakespear era. He must be a really really old demon, “Mm, why of course, what is thou’s reason to venture so?”, “My friend asked me to find someone for her” the demon smiled weirdly then nodded. “My, such a generous soul, yes, i shall guide you to your friend” you smiled, “Thank you”

You followed the demon a few feet behind, keeping the same pace, but you noticed that the demons around ran and screamed or even set themselves on fire once seeing the demon you followed, “If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?”, “Zestial, small one, what is thou name?” he asked. “Im Y/n” you answered, smiling, “Interesting name”, “Thanks” the rest of the walk was pretty quiet, and since you were now standing near him without much fear (since every demon is practically praying to die a second time to not cross paths) no one was was bothering you.

Soon enough a sign with bold letters came to view saying Cannibal Town, “Would thou request I to accompany thy along?” he asked once you both got closer to the entrance of the town, “Mhm, I would like that” you answered, smiling. He nodded and continued walking with you in the town, which was- actually full of cannibals, which shouldn't have surprised you since it's LITERALLY called CANNIBAL town, there were demons of all sorts eating other demons all over the street which made you feel on edge.

-606 words-

I don't know how to write exactly how Zestial would speak and I probably used "thou" so much I probably disappointed my past drama teacher and my English teacher ;-;  . . . So yeah-

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