[C7] Cannibal Overlord

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You stepped a little closer to Zestial since he was practically your only known safety out there, “This place is bigger than i thought” you muttered as the two of you walked over to a pretty nice house, the tall demon knocked on the door, a moment later a lady wearing a long dark crimson dress, light gray skin, and full black eyes opened the door, she smiled seeing Zestial, her teeth were knife sharp.

“Zestial, what a pleasure to see you here, what's the occasion?” she asked, opening the door for the two of you to come in, “And whos this little one?”, “Im Y/n, my friend asked me to find Alastor, she said he was here, and Zestial helped me get here” you told her, the lady’s eyes widened a bit at the information you handed her, “Alastor you say? Well I'm sorry to inform you dear but he just left just a moment ago” she said sadly. Damn it.

“Oh, well do you know if he's heading back to the hotel?”, “I do believe he is, would you two like some tea?” you looked at Zestial then back at her, “No thank you, i have to get back before it gets late” you told her, she nodded in understanding, “Of course darlin’, and just to let you know you can visit here any time you want, a friend of Alastor’s is a friend of mine” she said kindly. You smiled and nodded, “Wait he considers me as a friend?” she nodded, “Pardon my intrusion on your conversation, but i must be on my way back”

The lady nodded, “Of course, goodbye Zestial” the man nodded bye before leaving the house, “Oh excuse my manners! My name is Rosie”, “It's nice to meet you Rosie” Rosie led you over to the dining room which was very clean and actually really nice, “Now back to our conversation, he didn't say in full words but just by the way he spoke about you seemed like it, he only talked that way about our dear Charlie” she said, handing you a cup of fresh tea. Not even questioning how she already had a fresh cup ready, you took a sip and holy shit was it the best thing you’ve ever tasted.

Rosie sat in the chair across the small rounded table from you, holding a cup of tea herself, “I must say, Alastor isn't one to conversate to anyone much less males which surprised me when he said you were a boy” you looked up at her passed the cup, nearly choking on the liquid, “Really? He seems pretty normal to me- well from what i've seen in hell” you said, putting the cup down. “And i'm 19, almost 20 actually, so uh not a boy but a man-?”, “Really?” you nodded, “Well- not anymore i guess, stuff 19 forever now” Rosie frowned at you, “Dont worry dear, you can still celebrate, and since you know Charlie she would definitely say yes”

“Plus, turning 20 is a big deal” you smiled a little, “21 seemed more exciting, since it would be legal for me to drink and do more things, but i was never a saint” you chuckled, Rosie smiled, “Well here in hell there luckily isn't any laws to stop you~” you nodded, “I know i know, with all hell shit, i wasn't expecting any laws” the two of your chuckled. “Y/n, i do have to ask, you don't have to answer of course if it's too personal, but are you queer?” she asked, sipping her tea, your eyes widened, “What? No- no im- im not queer or anything- i would never date a man!”

That has to be the worst lie you’ve ever told, you mentally slapped yourself for that, “Dont worry dear, there's nothing to be ashamed of, in fact a majority of hell is queer in some aspects”, “So it's true what they say? Queers go to hell or some shit” Rosie bursted out into laughter, wiping a tear away, “Oh oh, no deary, being queer isn't a sin you looked at her confused but then just thought about that a lot of queer friends you've had has committed at least some form of sin compared to your straight friends. Especially Ezra-

You shivered at the thought of all the crazy insane shit she’s done just for fun, “i guess that sorta makes sense then” there was a pause of silence before Rosie spoke up once again, “Would you like more tea?”, “Oh yes please, could i also have that recipe you have for it? It's really good” you asked happily, handing her your cup. “Of course dear, I'm glad you like it, it's a personal favorite of mine” she said with a smile, pouring more tea in your cup and handing it back.

“I'll go get a paper to write that recipe” you gave a small nod, sipping on the tea as she left to the other room, “Miss Rose, im back!” you looked over at the door to see another demon dog, just like Everest and Redwood-...


The demon looked at you with her ears perked up at the name, “How- … Y/n?!”

-873 words-

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