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i headed downstairs with a bag slung over my shoulder and went into the kitchen to grab some snacks, i didn't know how long we were gonna be gone so i figured we'd need some food. i can hear the boys vaguely in the other room as i open the fridge door and immediately stop.
a birthday cake.
i took a deep breath in and carried on, wondering why all this had to happen today?

i head to the door and the boys join me as we make our way to diagon alley by floo powder.
once we get there it's dark, but it's not nighttime?
it feels cold although it's summer and the street is basically abandoned. all the shop lights are off and there's glass everywhere from smashed windows, hearing it crunch under my feet makes me feel sick. i follow the boys into a shop i've never been into, the sign overhead read 'Borgin and Burkes' the boys stop at the door of the first room, mattheo muttering a spell to unlock it. the room is decorated minimally, cobwebs lining the ceiling and in the middle of the room there's a dark wooden table with 5 black robes. the boys begin to put them on over their clothes so i follow, also draping the big black hoods over our heads. theo walks me over to one corner of the room while the others stay talking by the table.

'how are you doing?' he asks, lifting the hood off my face a little so i can look up at him
'umm.. okay i guess' i whisper back
'i'm sorry this day hasn't gone as we planned, i tried so hard i really did' he mumbled
'hey it's okay, it's not your fault anyway' i breathe out, giving his hand a light squeeze
'okay' he says as he brings his hand up to cup my cheek 'right from now on, keep your head down, only speak when spoken to and do not leave my side, alright?' he said, his voice harsh but his face shining with sorry love. he readjusts my hood and takes my hand, walking us over to the boys. theo nods at them and we all move towards the big double doors, stood in a line with mattheo in front of us all.
'i love you' theo whispers to me, still looking straight ahead but giving my hand a gentle squeeze
'i love you too' i whisper back before hearing the click of doors unlocking and theo quickly drops my hand.

the room felt cold as they walked in, matilda following theo to the empty seats; she was sat in between enzo and theo as mattheo had to sit next to his father and draco with his parents. the dark lord began talking to each member, assumingly deatheaters, i knew all the boys were but i wasn't. that was the whole reason i ran away in the first place.
'draco' the dark lord spoke up 'how is your work going at hogwarts?'
'good, harry potter is still unsuspecting and the closet is nearly fully repaired' draco spoke up with an emotionless voice
'well done child' the dark lord replied but no warmth in his voice, he moved onto someone else and i realised he was going around the room, soon it would be theo; then me.

'theodore, your task?' he spoke menacingly
'yes my lord, it's completed' theo replied, i still didn't know what his task was but now i guess it didn't matter.
'matilda black' he said
'yes sir' i replied, trying not to sound scared
'you're back' he added expectantly
i was unsure of what to say, i knew he wouldn't be in favour of me as i ran away but i knew i couldn't just sit there in silence. i felt tears bead my waterline and my shallow breaths quicken as time seemed to stand still.
no no no don't cry matilda c'mon.

'uh if i may, my lord, she offered to come back and help us' theo spoke up and discreetly touched his shoe against mine under the table, letting me know i was okay.
'hm very well' the dark lord said before moving on.

jj speaks:
lots of writing in this one whoopsie
also i've just been given the baby project for psychology so now i'm officially living the #momlife 🥂💋🙏

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