happy birthday

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the dark lord apparated first, followed by a few members. the boys got up to leave so i followed, close behind theo. cold glares and mutters followed me as i left, whispers of 'traitor' followed me out of the room. the boys remained silent and solemn until we reached the nott manor when everyone returned to their separate rooms and i went to the bathroom.

i took a quick shower in an attempt to rid myself of the cold uneasy feeling i was in then got dressed into my pjs and put my headphones on, finally returning to the bedroom where theo was laying on the bed.
he knew that whenever i had my headphones on i was probably feeling some strong emotion, whether it was stress, anger, sadness or just being generally overwhelmed. when he saw me enter the room he patted the space on the bed next to him for me to lay down, when i did he wrapped his arms around me, not speaking but just placing gentle kisses on the top of my head. we lay in silence for a while before he gently removed one side of my headphones off my ear, stroking the hair that fell in my face back
'hey, how are you feeling?' he whispered
'i don't really know' i replied shortly
'you know, it might not seem like it, but you did really well today' he smiled at me lightly
'why was i there theo? i mean i'm not a..' i said the last part in a sort of whisper '..deatheater'
'he knew you were back and had asked to see you but we put it off for as long as we could, untill he threatened that if we didn't bring you to him then he would go and find you himself' theo said solemnly
'oh' i breathed out
'but today went well, although it doesn't seem like it, just trust me' he replied, taking my hand in his, by this point i'd taken my headphones off and he now hugged my head into his chest.

after a little while there was a knock on the door
'yeah come in' i replied nonchalantly, as soon at the door opened a crack the lights were switched off and we were left in darkness, theo sat up and pulled my onto him, gripping me closer but as the door began to open fully we saw the other three boys stood outside, lorenzo holding a cake with candles glowing in the darkness, mattheo and draco standing either side of him as they all began singing hideously out of tune. theo's grip on me loosened when he realised the visitors weren't actually a threat and he began to gently rub my lower back as i sat up on the bed, now accompanied by all the boys.

matilda_black posted a story

liked by pansyparks and othersmatilda_black you can tell enzo did the decorating

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liked by pansyparks and others
matilda_black you can tell enzo did the decorating

tags: notnott lozoberks draco_malfoy mattheo

jj speaks:
how cutesey
sorry this is a bit of a late upload but i've been sick recently 😴

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