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I looked awkwardly at the girls who were surrounding me. Shanti was smirking , Arya looked annoyed and Anushka was pissed. I looked down at the cap in my hands and said "who is this Ishaan? Why is he... bothering me?" Arya sighed and said "Ishaan Agarwal, what can I even say about him? He's one of the most extrovert and annoying boys you will ever meet. I'd recommend you don't become too involved with him. He's cocky and always finds a way to annoy others." Anushka rolled her eyes and said "Shanti? Why are you smirking? You're enjoying this hm?" Shanti replied with a giggle "ahh~ it's nothing. It's honestly nice that he put this pick me in her place" I looked Shanti dead in the eyes "The fuck do you mean pick me? You barely even know me?!" I said with a frown. Shanti said "it's pretty damn clear you're trying to get attention by acting all shy and stuff." "It's just my personality! Not under my control and besides you are no one to judge me" after saying this I left the campus with Anushka right by my side.

Anushka is very supportive she said to me "oh don't worry , Shanti is just a little... not good with strangers. I'm sure once you both get to know each other it'll be fine!" I sighed and replied "I don't know? How am I a pick me! I have been homeschooled of course I would be a little shy meeting people in person! She's just a dumbass" Anushka chuckled "have to agree with you on that one." "I would love for you to be my dormmate you would help me out and you seem like a fun person!" I said to Anushka with a smile. "Thanks! I would love to be in the same dorm as you! You're too cute!" Suddenly the same boy,

Ishaan appears out of nowhere with his friends one (Anuj) was lanky and tall , the other (Vaibhav) was a little short and bulky , the third (Ram) looked like he suffered from sleep deprivation and poor dude had the worst posture ever (kinda like me lmao). Ishaan was kinda the balance , he had muscular arms , slender waist and he was pretty tall. I assume he would do some skin care since his skin was amazing, not that I'm trying to compliment him or anything. "Oye! Sharma , I advise you to be careful!" How the hell did he know my last name? I've never met this dude in my life... he should only be knowing my first name as it was on my cap well whatever , after that he said "The girl you're hanging out with might as well fall in love with you!" Anushka frowned "Shut up! Atleast I can pull girls!" Ishaan smirked , I read him completely till then. All this guy wanted was a reaction out of people , he would keep teasing them just to get a reaction. He's a basic attention seeker, boring. Ram yelled "OH so you admit you're a bisexual? That's entertaining!" Anushka yelled back "Yeah! With men like you ,us women have to love eachother! Got a problem with that?" Anuj and Vaibhav seemed more of shy and polite types of boys. Anuj even lip synced sorry to Anushka when leaving. Anuj seemed like a sweetheart , though he was taken by Shanti for which I feel very pitiful for him. The things this guy has to endure , I salute him. We reached our first class and met our professor Mrs Chawla. Who had basically no knowledge of her subject all she did was hand out boring assignments and tons of homework and group projects. The only reason this lady gave more group projects rather than individual projects was because they were easier to check and grade and she wouldn't even let us select our groups! How rude!

She took us to the chemistry lab and divided us in groups of two. Now , the thing is Anushka's partner was Ram whom she really hated. Shanti was lucky and paired with Anuj , Arya was paired with Vaibhav. Andddd..... I was left and paired with Ishaan (devastating, I know). Me and Ishaan reached our table and we listened to the safety instructions the teacher was babbling about. All the things regarding safety , handling of chemical substances , precautions, procedures and observations etc. Ishaan's face looked like he was about to fall asleep at any given moment. He was sat on a chair with an expressionless face which made me giggle. "What's your problem?" He asked "nothing , your face is just... kinda funny" I replied. He looked at me and said "oh damn? My face is making you giggle~" I rolled my eyes and listened to the professor even though she was saying boring stuff I didn't understand. "Ok students we will be having our practical a few days later. Now , with your group partners I want you to do a group project" hearing this Ishaan scoffed and said "ugh , not you! I don't like this at all! what bullcrap." "I don't like it either" I muttered under my breath."Mrs Chawla explained the project and left the room. Ishaan stood up , he was a lot taller than me , I'd say about 6 foot he was. With his friends , he's probably the shortest , heh.

He said to me "I'll come to your dorm room at around 5 pm. We can discuss the project there. Fine with you?" I nodded and gave him my room number. After a bunch of classes throughout the day it was finally lunch time. We went to the cafeteria and found Anuj and Ram saving the seats for us. Vaibhav is busy eating his lunch and Ishaan has just disappeared with his other friends. We went there and sat on our seats. Ram asked us "Kay , so what do you guys want? I'll get the food and pay for it" Shanti said to him "no thank you! I can pay for my own food" " Damn feeling feisty today? Huh?" Ram replied with a chuckle. "I don't need men to pay for my food I'm not a pick me" she said glaring at me to which I scoffed. The tension was real.

She got up from her chair and went to grab her food just then a short girl with glasses bumped into her and dropped the tray of food on Shanti. The girl started apologising and begging. Shanti stood there awkwardly. I came up to the scene and pushed Shanti away from the girl, she looked pissed and said "WHAT THE HELL YAAR?!" "Don't say anything to her! What's your problem yaar?! She probably dropped the tray on accident!" Anushka facepalmed and Arya grabbed her popcorn "Oh wow! So now you're trying to paint ME as the villain! So very attention seeker of you!" She said with a snarky tone.
"Very nice Ms Shanti! You have mastered the art of being an asshole!" Saying this I left the cafeteria holding the girl's hand. Shanti looked dumbfounded and probably talked shit about me.

The girl's name was Yashvi , she was a few months older than me, and she was a nerd. "So uh, Yashvi what happened back there? Did Shanti yell at you or something?" I asked her "No Shanti didn't do anything... really It was probably just a bit of a misunderstanding...." I looked at her a bit surprised. "Actually , Shanti is not so bad I mean we went to the same high school... and she was nice to me. It was my fault really, I dropped the tray of food on her. other people bully me so I thought she would've done the same."
Huh maybe Shanti wasn't so bad after all but she was to me... why? Why does this girl hate me so much? Just from one first appearance , she was able to judge me and call me a pick me girl? "Ok um... do you want to be friends?" Yashvi replied "Sure! I'd love to! Well, id be off to my dorm now... bye!" Yashvi left and I checked my pockets for my dorm keys. I looked for the dorm and found it was on the 2nd floor. I opened the door and found two beds , and a red tape dividing the room into two parts. One part was filled with furniture of some other student the other student being...Shanti.

I sighed and went inside with my stuff. God , why her? I thought to myself. "You stay on your side and I'll stay on mine I have no interest in talking to someone as shitty as you." Shanti said to me to which I scoffed and arranged my furniture into the room.

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