(Chapter 2) Choosing Rides

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I walked outside of the tent with everyone. Technically, I suppose this is my first time out of the tent. I looked around quite a bit.

   "You're a curious one, aren't ya?" I looked towards the voice and saw Jax with his hands behind his back as he walked. Goodness, I'm very short in this game...
   "W-Well, I mean, I did just arrive here, so... Wouldn't it make sense?"  I asked.
  "Hm, I Suppose so." He wondered. We suddenly stopped walking, and everyone started to talk about which ride to go on, or which game to play. Jax adjusted himself to my height and whispered "Hey, do you wanna help me prank Ragatha?"
   "Huh?... I- No! That's not nice.." I shifted awkwardly.
   "Ah, cmoon, it'll be fun! I don't want to have this centipede in my pocket for no reason..." He chuckled.
   "Mm..no. i-i don't want to, and you can't force me.." I said in a low voice, looking away.
   "Hmm... You do you. I'll be having fun pranking her later while you freak out~" He smiled and stood back up straight.

   "Well.. I kind of want to go on the horse tornado thing!"Said Gangle shyly.
   "Horse tornado? That sounds scary!" Jax laughed. Ragatha rolled her eyes.
   "It's not her fault that we all lost some memories of objects. Gangle, it's called a carousel." Ragatha looked over at me. "Sorry, this might take a while, to decide what to do... we are barely outside of the tent." I slowly put up a thumbs up, not knowing what to respond with.

   "Im not sure bout you guys, but feel like getting on the rollercoaster." Shrugged Zooble.
   "Oh, the rollercoaster sounds very fun! Back when I first entered the circus, it was my very favorite ride!" Kinger said. I giggled, it was like a grandfather explaining something 'back in his days'.
   "M-Maybe we could... Split up? U-uhm..." Everyone was looking at Gangle, which I could tell made her uncomfortable. "W-What I'm trying to say is-"
   "Good idea, Crybaby. Let's split up. People who wanna go on more intense rides can go together, and people like crybaby can go and get on baby rides." Said Jax.
   "I mean, I guess we can do that..." Zooble shrugged. "Who wants to go to the rollercoaster with me?" Asked Zooble.
"Oh, oh! I do!" Exclaimed Kinger excitedly. "I must recall the feeling of excitement once again!"
"Don't get me wrong, I want to go on the rollercoaster but, I'm just not feeling it, ya know? I think I'm gonna chillax for now." Replied Jax.
"Are you sure you're not just scared of heights, rabbit?" Laughed Zooble.
"Whatt? Me? Afraid of heights? Cmooon, I'm too cool for that." Jax put his hands behind his head again. "I'm guessing the rest of you guys want to go on some baby ride?" He looked over at me, Gangle, and Ragatha.
"I think we should even out the groups, three people in one group and three in the other... I don't trust you with Pomni and Gangle, are you sure you don't want to go on the rollercoaster?" Asked Ragatha.
"Awh, c'mon, are you kidding me." Jax looked over at me and Gangle. "You sure one of you guys don't want to go on the Rollercoaster?" I shook my head no. I did want to get on, but I felt too scared to.
"I-i think you know my answer to that, Jax..." Muttered Gangle.
"Man, I knew you guys were scardy cats but not thaat much... Ragatha, c'mon, you like rollercoasters. Trust me! I won't do anything."
"...I really am starting to think youre scared of heights. You know what, fine. But you just make them uncomfortable and I'll tell Caine!" Ragatha walked over to Zooble and the very excited Kinger. "Well then, lets go."

"Alrighty, so... which ride again?" Jax glanced over at me and Gangle.
"Gangle, didnt you say something about wanting to go on a carousel? Maybe we could go on that, first!"
"I-I mean... i-if you both want to..." whispered Gangle. She indeed was very shy... I still smiled at her, though.
"Well then! Lets go there! Jax, do you know where the carousel is?" I asked Jax. 
"Hm, well, its a bit of a walk from here but whatever. Cmon, follow me." Muttered Jax as he started walking further away from the tent. 

Hey, this isn't so bad. Maybe I am getting used to digital life? 

Oh what am I saying, this is all a dream! It has to be, right?...

Hello readers! Thank you for reading this story, I really appreciate it! This is Evesbells speaking, one of the owners of this account. 

I would just like to clarify some things about this story and this story only. 

1)There is no aimed-for ships in this story. This story will continue along this innocent path for as long as I am able to handle it for. This allows for kiddos wanting to read peacefully and innocently to, well... continue reading! If you want something a bit more... smoky, then either look somewhere else or wait some time, because I am wanting to write a story revolving around a ship I enjoy seeing. 

2) I am no writing expert since English is not my first language. There may be some typos or some sentences you will not understand here and there. If possible, please say something so that I can fix it right away and allow other readers to enjoy peacefully!

3) Although I would love to write constantly, do not expect me to be publishing every two days... although I will attempt to do so. The only times I will most likely not publish are the weekends. 

4) If you want to recommend any events, ideas, etc, then please do so! Sometimes a writer goes through a block and does not know what to write next. 

5) I am not sure about this one, therefore we have not talked, but the other owner of this account MAY or MAY NOT write some parts of this story themselves. Other owner -- if you are reading this, you have my full permission to write but please tell me so I dont accidently write another page!

6) Slightly connected to number three, I will attempt to make this story as long as I possibly can! I tend to really dislike when a story ends so quickly, so I really want to make this story last! 

I believe that is all! I may add onto this list in the future. 

Thanks for reading, superstars. It is very appreciated. 

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