(Chapter 3, 2) Sleepover

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This is my room.. i-i sleep over there... Gangle pointed over to her bed.

I processed my surroundings for a moment, before saying Well, should we bring sleeping bags?.. I don't really think we're all gonna fit in that bed...

Oh, don't worry, Pomni! We always have sleeping bags ready... We may not have sleepovers often, but we sure are always ready for them! Ragatha looked around a bit. Say, Gangle, where do you keep your sleeping bags? Asked Ragatha.

I stared at them in confusion as Gangle walked over to a drawer and opened the lowest drawer, taking out 3 sleeping bags.

Mmm, who wants to sleep on the bed?... Cause.. I only have three.. Gangle whispered.

Hey, since Pomni is the new one here, why doesn't she sleep on the bed? Answered Ragatha, smiling.

I guess that makes sense... Said Zooble. I shrugged uneasily, not used to having special treatment when I suddenly heard a sound coming from the door- a knocking- and looked over at it.

Ragatha opened the door and let Jax and Kinger walk inside, both of them carrying their own sleeping bags. I looked over at Jax, then hid the fact I wanted to roll my eyes at him. I was still annoyed at the fact he threw my cotton candy into the water while on a boat ride.

What's up guys? It's your favorite rabbit! Jax snickered. 

Ughh, does Jax have to be here? Like I said before, who knows what d**n prank he has up his sleeve for us... Groaned Zooble. I smiled slightly as I sat on Gangle's bed, taking off my hat and putting it on the desk by me. 

I-i mean, I don't think it's a good idea to leave him out... T-That's not nice! Said Gangle shyly. B-By the way Ragatha, this is your sleeping bag... Zooble, the one over there is yours! Gangle said as she put Ragatha's sleeping bag on the floor to the right of Gangle's bed, and afterwards pointed at Zooble's sleeping bag.

Hmm, I find this whole sleepover thing a bit pointless.. what are we even gonna do? Asked Jax, putting his own sleeping bag on the floor to the left of Gangle's bed, Kinger putting his own by Jax.

Well, we could talk about... stuff. Maybe play some games?.. or we could all go to sleep right now heh- I answered. I covered myself with Gangle's blanket, still sitting.

Ooh! Maybe could talk about my insect collection! Kinger said excitedly. I smiled, I wonder why Kinger is obsessed with insects? 

Nobody cares about your insect collection, Kinger. I heard Jax say.  Is Jax always this rude? Probably... he was even rude while at the carnival, making fun of Gangle's shyness and my shortness and all. 

Gangle gasped, sitting up from her sleeping bag. I-I do care! I think... it's nice to like something, even i-if it could be different from what others like... Gangle said shyly.

I'd like to hear about your insect collection, Kinger. I said, looking over at him as I smiled. I didnt want to before, but now I think it sounds interesting.

I saw Kinger's eyes light up. Oh, how wonderful! I shall be right back, I must bring some of my insects from my collection -- do not worry, I will only bring one jar of them so that you do not get annoyed by me talking too much! He quickly got up from his sleeping bag, walked around everyone on the floor, opened Gangle's door and quickly left off to his room to bring his insect collection. 

Wow, well this is a first. Never heard of people actually interested in Kinger's collection... I looked over at Zooble, who had a rather confused look on their face. But there's nothing to talk about, so its like.. whatever... 

While Kinger was looking for his insect collection, we talked a bit about what we remembered about the real world -- which really wasn't much. 

I-I mean, I know I just arrived here but... honestly, I don't remember much. I know everyone doesn't remember their name, so I'm not so worried about that... but I do remember how I used to look. Not much, but ever so slightly. I recall having brown hair and a light skin tone... I also remember that I was 25 years of age. I think I went to a big school... It was very difficult though. I also remember that I had to sleep there.

Hmm, I think you mean collage! Said Ragatha. I do remember going there before. I was there for about a year before arriving here.

Collage... that sounds about right, I think... I tried to remember, but I couldn't much. It felt as if... a part of my life had been erased. Not just a few days or weeks, it was a huge part, perhaps multiple years.

After some time, Kinger arrive back with his insect collection. Everyone, besides Jax, who was busy looking in Gangle's mirror, listened to Kinger as he talked about how every insect he brought was unique in their own way, yet similar at the same time.

I wondered for a bit. Everyone here is different -- Ragatha has red hair, I have brown hair, and everyone else didn't have any hair at all! Jax is an animal, Ragatha a doll... Everyone was different. But then at the same time, we're all kind of the same. We are all real, living people -- not Ai's like Caine, we actually are alive. Or are we?.. Perhaps we are dead, and this is the afterlife. Either way, we are all here together, so we are all similar that way. Another thing is that, according to Ragatha, we all looked for an exit when we first arrived...

But I have hope that I will be the first one to find one, and exit through that door and into the real world once again.

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