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I don't like To shucks round the bushes. Which is ironic, considering 
  the situation I'm in. so I'll just get aright to the point. Have ya ever wondered bout
 the ringing in your dome? when they start seemingly for
no reason? There's a REASON for that. 

(even cop ringing) some people say it's from overwhelming sounds, others say
its from your ears popping, some even say it's from too much EARWAX! ...
heheh... that's pretty amusing it is, but that's not the reason why. Ohhhh no it, is, NOT. The reason why ( enter grainy transfer) is because, Dea-Th I-s NE-AR-B-I-I-I-I-I -I know
this is a lot to ruminate about, as there are loads of rational reasons
 why this happens. But that's an effect going all the way back to adam and eve. 

Rationality. It's what lonesomely keeps the truth about the afterlife works a
skilamalink from the living realm. (enters Cabins) this, pitched with the with believers and sinners all help "ThE mAn UpStAiRs" know who belongs with him, and who belongs with Jolly Old Saint IN. however, there are some people who take a while to be decided on, who
tried hard before their demise to right their wrongs, who would want to stay alive SOLELY                to fix what they broke. (enters different cabins) those people are given a choice...

 ...be sent straight to low bye hell hi, give in to purgatory till their                                                  placement, or become the last opinion... 

They say that there are different angels, which is true.                                                                                    

 The living also say that one version of angels is called ANGELS OF DeAtH...                                  

...That's also true.

 However, the third part they got wrong, for angels of death don't have                                          wings. They don't fly around... but they do move around, (slows down cart looks) In a place that moves around, a place that not only helps collect souls, but carries them as well. (stops to a person) transfers them to there eternel life. It's a place cal---                                                                   

MYCON! Said a girls voice. I sigh heavily. Cheese and crust WHAT IS IT?! 

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