Wild Ride

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(Transformers Cybertron and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina are not mine.
-comm speech-

Bud woke up feeling dizzy, "What just happened? Vector Prime?"

Vector Prime, "Hello Bud, thank Primus you are alright."

Coby, "Did anyone get the number of the bus that hit me?"

Jolt, "You are awake Coby."

Lori, "Oooh! Where are we?"

Vector Prime, "We are inside the ship, Atlantis."

Coby, "Seriously? Oh now I remember we were attacked."

Lori sat up, "By Starscream! That jerk."

Bud, "Well we made it out alive, right?"

Vector Prime, "Yes, we did. For now at least."

Lori, "Gotta say. When I woke up this morning I was not expecting such a wild ride."

Coby, "No kidding."


Subzero, -Autobot base, come in, Autobot base. Optimus sir. We found something.-

Optimus, "Hearing you loud and clear Subzero."

Subzero was excited, -We found something that looks like the ancient Cybertronian language down here, Sir.-

Optimus, "Understood, thank you for informing us."

Subzero, -You are welcome, Sir.-

Vector Prime, "We should scout out the area at least, Optimus."

Bud, "Woah! Where is this from?"

Jolt, "It is called the Bermuda triangle."

Coby, "Wait the Bermuda triangle?"

Lori, "Oh no! Tell them to get out of there quickly."

Optimus, "Why? What's wrong?"

Coby took out a book, "The Bermuda triangle is one of the places on Earth where the magic is naturally strong."

Lori nodded, "It creates powerful waves and storms that can topple even the best ships and drown submarines."

Bud burrowed the book, "And you are legally not allowed to kill any of the creatures down there though they will attack and try to eat you."

Coby, "That's because they are in the endangered species list."

Lori, "Yup, and killing even one of them will make you enemy number one on the planet."

Scattershot sweat dropped, "Exactly what sort of creatures live there."

Bud, "One sec, let me check. Ah! Here we are. Leviathan, Kraken, Cetus and our brother's favourite Sirens."

Jetfire checked what they were and wanted to scream, "Are you serious right now? These creatures can kill us easily and they are being protected?"

Lori 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠ര⁠ ⁠ʖ̯⁠ ⁠ര⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ, "I mean, Sirens have always been hunted for feathers. Their feathers are known to have beauty secrets."

Coby ಠ⁠﹏⁠ಠ, "The Kraken has been hunted for their meat which is very delicious, I hear."

Bud ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙, "Leviathan blood is said to have immortality secrets."

Vector Prime eyed the kids who were reading a very old book, "But who would hunt these creatures? They are very powerful according to this description."

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