No Lama Drama

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"Wanna see something cool?" Austin asks turning the game off after she has eaten her full. "You just turned the game off so I suppose I have no choice in the matter," she says raising her brows at him. "You have been a quiet submissive wife over the last ten's by habit that we do what I want," Austin says. He feels a little sheepish. She has a point. He told her everything and asked for her opinion on all his decisions but she never answered and although he liked to feel like he was including her and making joint decisions with her - ultimately he was doing his own thing. "Technically we have been married for eleven years. What was I like in the first year?" she asks. "You picked up on that, huh?" he asks. Cleo was always witty and sharp-minded - he was never any good at pulling the wool over her eyes.

"Well?" she asks. "You were not quiet. Nore were you submissive...out of the bedroom at least. You were the boss and frankly a pain in my ass."

"You loved me regardless though..."

"I love you regardless, yes."

"Sounds like I felt confident enough in our relationship to be myself."

"We both did. We feed off each other. Build each other up."

"Although...submissive in the bedroom? That does not sound like me. I have never been submissive with anyone I have been intimate with."

Austin pulls a face and mock gags. "I have a terminal illness that is intensified when the mention of you being intimate with someone else is brought up. You pretend that I was your only, it makes me feel much better."

Cleo starts laughing and rolls her eyes at him. She always found his aversion to her ever being touched by someone else ridiculous. But she also thought it was cute and humored him, telling everyone that Austin was her only and would be for the rest of her life.

"So...the submission? Do we do that whole dom-play thing? Like...BDSM?

"No. It was just our dynamic..."

"You need to explain that."

Austin sighs, how does he explain it? They just were what they were and fell into their roles in their relationship naturally without much thought. They were themselves. They just worked. Just clicked.

"You have black cat energy. You have a serious demeanor with a resting bitch face. You asses and watch carefully. People have to work to gain your trust and even then you are cautious. You have a small group of trusted people you keep close and don't particularly like meeting new people. Your first instinct is not to like a person when you first meet them until you have analyzed them and are confident they can be trusted. You often look grumpy without thinking about it. But, you are fiercely loyal, and once someone has your heart - you will give them everything."

"I was like that since I was a kid..."

"Yup. I am the opposite. I am like a puppy. I bounce around a lot. I smile and love meeting new people. I make friends with anyone that wants to be my friend. I give out free hugs and laughing feels like breathing. I trust and forgive easily too."

"You sound like a lot of work."

"I am."

"So the submissive thing..."

"You are hung up on that, huh?"

"I am not submissive."

"Well, when it's just us, when we are alone or intamate. You let go. You feel safe enough to let down your guard and turn soft. So I take over and give you what you need. You confided in me that I am the only person you have ever felt you could be like that with."

Cleo stares at him. Blinking slowly as she takes in what he is saying. Their relationship was a first for them both. Everyone Cleo had ever dated had let her down so she had gotten harder over time. Austin had been hurt too given his flaw at trusting too quickly. But, it had been different for them. Cleo loved and respected who he was and made sure never to betray the trust he had so easily given her. He gave her back everything she gave him tenfold. They were made for each other.

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