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The power still hasn't come back on several hours later. Roughing it, while not ideal or what I envisioned when I spirited Felicia away, is plenty easy because of the generator I equipped the cabin with. To conserve fuel, I take our emergency camping stove and a cast iron pan out to the deck when there's finally a break in the rain allows me to make us a decent breakfast with ingredients I had my assistant arrange with my groundskeeper to pick up just before we took off from New York.

The rain is just starting up again as I step back into the house from the deck. In my time outside, Felicia has gotten up. She's sitting at the kitchen island, wearing my bathrobe and staring out the window at the landscape.

Even with some of the most beautiful scenery around us, I'd still rather stare at her.

I still haven't asked her why she'd been in that auction last night. I know I should, but the very idea that something made her feel like she had to do something like that makes my blood boil. Did she not know she could come to me? That no matter what the trouble is, I will always be ready to help her?

Perhaps I hid my true feelings too well. If I'd made my attraction known when I first felt it a few months ago, perhaps we couldhave avoided this. I could have eased Olivia into the idea while letting Felicia know that she's not just young arm candy for me.

She's so much more than that.

"Good morning, baby," I greet her. Bringing the platter of eggs, bacon, and fried toast to the counter, I lean in to kiss her on the cheek. She flushes pink, and looks up at me through her lashes shyly.

"Morning," she smiles. "Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby," I say as I hand her a plate filled with breakfast. I even made sure to make her bacon extra crispy, just like I know she likes it.

"Me too." I watch her as she starts to eat, her plush lips moving as she chews intently. She groans in pleasure and it makes my heart soar. "God, I didn't realize how hungry I was."

"A wild night of sex does that to you," I smirk.

And what a wild night it was. I wasn't expecting us to feel so compatible right off the bat, but we are. The age difference between us feels like nothing. She makes me feel two decades younger whenever she bats those dark lashes of hers up at me.

I realize it as if I've been struck with lightning—I love her.

I mean, I always have in some sort of way. For so long, I cared about her because my daughter did. Now it's grown into something so much more than feeling for her as a person and a family friend.

What I'm feeling now, though? It blows every single romantic relationship I've ever had out of the water. She's turned my life upside down in ways I could have never anticipated.

It's thrilling. And fucking terrifying.

What am I going to do? She's my daughter's best friend. Olivia's always been a dreamer, a free spirit who thinks for herself and loves unconditionally. How will she take this change in my relationship with Felicia?

Will she understand why I can't give this up? Why I can't walk away from this young woman we both love deeply in our own, different ways?

The decision is almost paralyzing, but in my heart, I know the answer already. Olivia may be stubborn like me, but unlike both her mother and I, she's quick to forgive. Even if she doesn't understand it now, she will eventually. This all happened so fast that she'll get why Felicia and I didn't tell her anything.

"So what's the plan for the day," Felicia asks me as she starts dragging a piece of toast through the yolk of an egg.

"We can stay as long as you want," I tell her.

I already had the next few cleared on my calendar to get back on Eastern Standard Time after my trip, but if Felicia wants more time, I'll keep having my assistant adjust my schedule to give it to her.

I glance out the window at the rain beating against the mountainside. "The power isn't back on yet, but the generator is keeping fridge going. I wanted to take you into town to get you some fresh clothing and more groceries, but it's probably not the best idea to head down in this weather."

She frowns even as her eyes soften. "I don't need more clothes," she shrugs. "And I'm perfectly happy to eat eggs and toast if that's all we have. You always get the perfect runny egg."

I raise an eyebrow at her. "Is that a euphemism?"

Her face instantly flushes scarlet the prettiest pink as she looks away, flustered. "No! I'm being serious!"

"Sure. You're always very serious about breakfast food."

Her cheeks go from pink to red as she bites her lip, trying to think of something to say. Finally, she says, "I just mean that it's thoughtful that you know how I like my breakfast. You've always taken care of me."

"It always felt like the right thing to do," I say with a shrug. "And then suddenly I wanted to start doing more than just that. I want to give you everything you've ever dreamed of."

I picture draping her in so many jewels that she'll sparkle in the candlelight while I kiss my way down her body to spread her legs and eat her pussy. I think about what she'd look like on my arm at company events and trips. What it'd be like to wake up next to her every day for the rest of our lives, age difference be damned. I want to make sure she never has to worry about money ever again.

To love her like she's never been loved before.

"But what areyoudreaming about?" she asks.

Her question makes me pause. How could she not know?

"You," I say simply.

Her lips part in surprise before she presses her full lips into a hard line. "You don't really mean that ..." There's a deep sadness in her voice that wasn't there a few seconds ago.

"This doesn't have to end," I explain. "I know this won't be easy, but we have each other to get through it."

"But what about ..." She trails off, looking at her half empty plate, worry creasing her brow.

"Are you thinking about what got you into that situation last night? Or are you thinking about Olivia?"

"Both. But mostly her."

"I've thought about it a lot, too," I admit.

"She'll hate me. She won't be able to forgive me for doing something like this."

I reach forward to take her hand and squeeze it. "Never. I don't think she could ever hate you. She may hate me, though. She's had a lot more practice at that."

"She's never said anything like that to me," Felicia murmurs, squeezing my hand back. Her face is still downcast and uncertain, and I yearn to put her at ease. "Even when she was furious with you. She sometimes thinks you don't understand her, but she knows that you always want what's best for her even if you don't agree about it."

Sometimes, we all need the reminder that our kid doesn't hate us.

And sometimes we need the reminder that our friends have our back as well.

Felicia, I don't think you understand the difference you've made in her life. In both of our lives. Olivia is confident in herself because you've helped her learn how to be kind to herself. And you've made me realize that I'm capable of loving someone again, even though I thought I was long past feeling like this ever again."

Her green eyes are shining with emotion when she finally looks up at me. I bring her hand to my lips and press a kiss to her knuckles to reassure her.

"Everything's going to be fine. We'll figure it out. It's not going to be easy, but the best things in life are always worth whatever challenge they give us."

"You really think so?" she asks, her voice quiet but strong, just like she is.

I lean forward and press a kiss to her temple. "I know so."

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