10 ┃ 𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨

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You weaved through the ruined cityscape with a practiced ease, taking down robots with calculated precision.

Your power, while not suited for large-scale destruction, allowed for a more subtle approach. You manipulated the movements of smaller robots with your 'strings', turning them against their larger counterparts, creating a domino effect of metallic mayhem.

The written portion of the exam had been a breeze.  Your mind, honed by years of self-study and fueled by your high intelligence, easily devoured the questions.

The only disappointment came during the announcement of testing zones—you, Bakugo, and Midoriya were all assigned different locations.

Oh well, you lose some and win some.

The practical exam had unfolded like a chaotic ballet. Dodging a falling hunk of scrap metal, you broke out of your contemplative mood just in time to sidestep a toppling robot you'd just dismantled.

Dusting your hands off with nonchalance, you were about to move on to your next target when a whimper pierced the air.

"Help!" a scared voice cried out.

Pinpointing the source, you located the voice coming from underneath one of the fallen robot legs.

Helping others wasn't exactly your forte, but heroics were part of the exam criteria.

With a sigh of resignation, you turned and headed towards the sound.

Jumping effortlessly over the debris, you reached the whimpering figure.  A young boy with short blond hair, a black lightning bolt streak framing his left eye, lay trapped under a section of the fallen robot.  His golden eyes, wide with fear, locked with yours as your shadow fell over him.

"Oh, thank Gods! Can you help—?" his sentence trailed off as he got a good look at you.

You ignored his awed stare, squatting down and fitting your fingers beneath the narrow gap separating the robot leg from the ground.

With a low grunt, you effortlessly lifted the heavy debris. "Move," you commanded, your voice devoid of warmth, as you glanced at him from the corner of your eye.

The boy stammered, tears welling up in his eyes.  "I-I can't. I think it's broken," he choked out, his voice trembling.

Before you could utter another word, a horrifying sound filled the air—a loud, unsettling creaking.  Shooting your gaze upwards, you saw a colossal chunk of the robot you'd just destroyed teetering precariously atop the building it had crushed.

And it was falling directly towards you and the injured boy.

A muttered curse ripped from your throat.  Without wasting a single breath, you shifted the weight of the massive metal slab onto one hand. With your other hand, you swiftly scooped the boy into your arms, his startled yelp muffled against your chest.

In a single, powerful motion, you pushed backwards, throwing yourself back onto the ground.

The metal slab crashed down with a bone-jarring thud, landing precisely in the spot you had both occupied a mere second ago.  A cloud of dust erupted around you, momentarily obscuring your vision and triggering a coughing fit.

After a few seconds, the dust settled, revealing the mangled remains of the robot where you once stood.

"Are you alright?"  You began to voice your concern, but your question died in your throat as you met the boy's gaze.  He stared back at you, his golden eyes wide with awe and a hint of hero worship.

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