Chapter 5

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After I got back to my room from seeing Sage and Dimitri arguing, I took some sleeping pills to knock myself out. Lucky for me, there were no dreams to torment me any longer. But the feeling of tiredness still doesn't leave me when I awake for my second day of class, along with the fact that I have therapy later in the day. The way to the classrooms is easier now, but the stares are not. As if surviving my first day of Sword and Fire is top news amongst the students.

I get to my mythology class earlier than yesterday. I set myself up at one of the tables facing the front, taking out my sketchbook. I continue to work at the details of the fine castle before I see someone sit next to me out of the corner of my eye.

Saying the girl is pretty is an understatement; she is drop dead gorgeous. She has long blonde hair that reaches the middle of her back. Her blue eyes are the color of the ocean on a sunny day at sea. She wears a necklace with the letter 'L' hanging in the middle. With her perfect posture, I can see that she's taller than me and well defined. And she happens to be one of the people who was watching me yesterday after this class.

"You must be Eve. Hi, I'm Lindsey."

She reaches her hand out in front of my face, ignoring that my nose is in my drawing pad. I look at her hand as if it were infected with the plague, when in reality, it's perfectly polished with pink nails and gold rings.

"Charmed I'm sure."

Her smile, like her, is perfect. I could look in a dictionary for what a smile is and find her face under the description. But one mask of a person knows the other. Lindsey is but a mask hiding the unknown.

"How's school going for you so far?"

She asks without taking the hint that I am in no mood for conversation.

"Fine I guess." I bite the inside of my cheek.

"I'm glad, sometimes this place gets overwhelming."

"I'm sure it does."

I return back to drawing, hoping that she stops talking.

"So why are you here?" Just shut up, lady, "My dad thinks this place is for the best of the best, reason why I'm here."

"My dad hates me and dropped me off here. I can assume the same for yours." I snap as I feel the pressure of my cheek start to throb from how hard I was biting it. The metallic familiar taste of blood touches my tastebuds. I don't need to turn my head to look at her, for I know the harsh glare she gives is meant to frighten me. I pay no mind as I shade the castle's shadow on the floor of the picture.

"Just a warning if I may, this place can and will eat you alive and spit you right back out again. I would watch yourself Eve."

"Thanks for the tip."

With that, she gets up and leaves me be. Not even a minute later, another person sits next to me. What is this, a meet and greet? The familiar eyes of Quinn smiles back at me. His posture is relaxed as if he were talking to a good friend. He leans on his elbows, bending down so he is level with my ear.

"Don't let Lindsey scare you, that's just her personality."

"Maybe she should get a new personality then."

"I'll recommend that to her." He says with a laugh.

I put my pencil down, looking down at the now completed picture. I added two figures on the lawn, standing before the grand castle. I didn't add details to the people, yet just shadowy bodies. This is exactly how I pictured it in my mind and in my dreams.

"Looks really good Eve."

I look over at Quinn to see him staring down at my picture. I'm pretty sure if I removed his eyeballs, he would still be looking; that's how intense he was.

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