Chapter 8

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"I'll see you next week then. We'll start you on some new meds and hopefully we can get you the help you need."

    With a final shake of her head, she departs my presence, leaving my shattered mind to deal with the consequences. I grip the leather between my fingers harder than ever possible. If there was nothing between them, my fingernails would be digging into my skin with how hard I was clutching the clothing.

    I look up from the ground, roaming my gaze around the room in search of Dimitri. It's not long before I see him standing in the corner with that guy Zane and another boy who has chestnut hair, broad shoulders and stands taller than the others. I stomp my way over gaining their attention with my heated stance.

I throw his jacket at him, "We need to talk."

"I'm busy." He grunts

"Too bad."

I walk away, knowing that he would follow me. I stand in a dark corner, further away from where Dimitri was. I watch his mouth mumble a few more words to the other boys, then head my way. I squeeze myself further into the corner, making Dimitri's frame overpower me. He leans over my tiny statue with a hard look in his eyes.

"What happened last night?" I ask

"We went for a walk in the woods..."

"And saw a dead body. Why doesn't the school know? My therapist thinks I'm crazy."

"Isn't that why you're here, Eve? You are in the looney bin afterall."

"Not the point. I know you saw the body too."

His jaw clenches and his eyebrows furrow. His exterior becomes darker, haunting and controlling. I can feel myself shrink into the corner, giving him the upper hand.

"And if I did? That wouldn't change anything."

"So you did see the body then?" He slowly nods his head as I realize a stressed breath.

"Why are people hiding it?"

"I don't know. There's theories, but..."

"Tell me." I push

"You're really pushy sometimes," I roll my eyes, "This isn't the first murder here." What the hell?

"It was only a few months ago, but they covered it up." He explains

"Who was it? Why?"

"Who knows. It was one of the crazy kids."

"Someone like me then?" He stares daggers into me. He is completely unreadable when I study his face. I wish I could know what he was thinking.

"That's not what I meant."

"It's exactly what you meant. The kid that died last night was probably just like me. Who knows I might be next." In a flash, he grips my shoulder. He squeezes my limb so hard I think it will leave a bruise.

"I promise you Eve, nothing will happen to you."

"You can't promise me that. You don't know me."

Like that moment in the library, everything around us fades away. The world is blurry when he is crystal clear. I don't know this man but I have never felt more safe in someone else's hands. Maybe that's because he took care of me last night when I was at my most vulnerable. Or I am being naive and stupid to feel this way, it is most likely the tingles I get and how I feel with them. He makes me feel comfortable, something I haven't had in a long time.

I snap myself out of this moment,"I still don't understand why the school is keeping it quiet." 

"It's a boarding school, they don't want bad press."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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