Chapter 4. Happy Together

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I try my very best to rub the sleep out of my eyes as we drive to the executive airport, but it's no use since it's one in the morning and we have a 6-and-a-half-hour flight ahead of us. Taylor is texting someone on her phone and I can't help but wonder who it is seeing how nobody should be awake right now.

"I hope I'm not a side piece..." I softly joke with her, catching her attention and making her look up at me.

Her growing smile doesn't go unnoticed as she puts her phone back in her pocket.

"Never. That was Austin. He was asking about you..." She says with a grin, putting her hand possessively on my thigh.

"Your brother was asking about me at one o'clock in the morning? I promise you're not a side piece either, Taylor" I tease back, making her chuckle.

"He had a really good time with you over the holiday! He was asking how you were doing. He wants to hang out again soon." She answers honestly. Her smile holds more pride than I expected it to and I'm not too sure why, but I find that reassuring.

"Aww. That's sweet. Austin is a really kind guy, so I'd love to too. Is he going to be in New York soon?" I ask tiredly, resting my elbow on the window seal of the car as I lay my head on it.

"He's gonna be in Toronto in a few weeks, so he's thinking about stopping by on his way," She says softly, turning her full attention back to me.

"Well, I think that's a good idea... If he wants to, of course," I reply with a yawn.

She lets out a soft chuckle at my tiredness before leaning over to me, resting her head on my shoulder, and looping her arm through mine. The driver continues to drive us to the airport as we both sleep lightly, and it feels like only two seconds passed when we both wake up at the airstrip containing her private jet.

We board fairly quickly, mainly because we only have a few bags and will be gone for only two days. When we get on the jet, Taylor takes me straight to the bedroom in the back of the plane, hastily setting our bags down and collapsing on the mattress, pulling me on top of her. I chuckle at her silliness as she cuddles me closely.

"What's the first thing you wanna do when we get there?" I ask quietly as she snuggles into my neck.

"Hmmm... I think you know what I wanna do when we get there..." She answers cheekily, kissing underneath my ear.

"Oh? Is that so?" I tease, chuckling lightly as I automatically know what she wants. She's never been the type to be subtle about wanting me... if you catch my drift.

"Okay, how about after?" I ask, trying to make conversation as my tiredness hasn't quite taken over me just yet.

"Mmm... I wanna do it everywhere with you" She says playfully.

"I mean, not sex-related-" I chuckle, but she interrupts me.

"In the bedroom, in the living room, on the balcony, the kitchen-" She continues, making me laugh.

"Taylor, Swift! You're so naughty!" I exclaim, making her laugh.

"Not sex-related, I wanna do some shopping. Get those stuffed animals we were talking about. Maybe get some new bedding for the penthouse... maybe some decorations too. What about you?" She asks as she hugs my body close to hers as she traces shapes on my skin.

"Shopping, for sure! I've got a mental list of things I need to buy, especially for Christmas and your birthday that's coming up... Maybe taking some pictures on the beach would be fun. The water will be cold 'cause it's December, but if I'm feeling brave, I'll surf for a bit." I think out loud.

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