Chapter 6

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Bang, bang, bang.

An icy breeze ruffled the hair on the back of Thomas Cameron's neck. Now, a person might be asking why he was up at such a freezing, godforsaken hour, and the answer had everything to do with his master plan.

Ever since his grandda gave him his mission or calling or whatever it might be, Thomas started scheming. He was going to be no woman's lifelong protector, that was for sure. It was his family's calling to guard and protect the Wise Women, to make sure they didn't meet harm's way as they sent spirits on to the next world. But, that didn't make it his calling.

Bang, bang, bang.

He was going to play his music, of that he was sure. That was his mission and his calling, and the ancient traditions could go to hell. The plan would work. Then he could give those traditions a nod and merrily dance away.

Bang, bang, bang.

So, here he was, at the doorstep of not a woman, but a man, at ridiculous o'clock to start his master plan.

Where the woman was, was beyond him. Perhaps, he should have paid closer attention to the profile his grandda gave him rather than discarding it into the trash. This man didn't have a girlfriend or a wife. In fact, he looked at Thomas in a slightly uncomfortable way, but nonetheless, he would be the worst ghost hunter he could be in order to get kicked out. Once he was kicked out, he was sure his family would have to let him be. After all, it wasn't just his choice, but also the choice of the person he was guarding.

Sounds of banging and cursing came from inside, and he grinned slyly. The plan was already working.

Bang, bang, bang. Dammit. That time it hurt his wee finger.

The door swung open and a man stood there in a rumpled white t-shirt and red plaid pajama pants. His black hair was sticking up on one side and he had the look of a grumpy, albeit objectively attractive star behind his black frames. In fact, he was rather familiar for all that. Thomas tried to place him. Molly's words from the pub came back to him. He reminded her of someone famous. Now, who might she know?

A face popped into his mind that everyone loved. Heck, even he loved him. Aidan, global superstar Aidan. Pop sensation Aidan.

Thomas looked at him from head to toe. The fairy-like facial structure was hidden behind glasses, but it was still there. Of course, he wasn't wearing any make-up, but his bare face might be even more beautiful.

No damn way! Global superstar Aidan was standing in rumpled pajamas in front of him right now. Briefly, Thomas flashed to the posters of him on stage plastered all over his bedroom walls. He'd followed this man forever. He admired his blatant flamboyance and stick-it-to-the-man attitude. He didn't care what people thought of him and was so ruthlessly himself.

Yet, this man, standing in his rumpled pajamas, and the man from yesterday in the bar weren't quite the same as the stage personality. He should know. He'd quietly bought every album and eagerly read every article. This man was such a subdued version. Thomas gave him a once over and saw the purple, almost black nail polish. Okay, this was definitely him. The nail polish was his signature favorite.

Now what? Two geese startled from the resting place along the loch and took flight sending their lonely song echoing through the clearing.

Thomas did the only ridiculous thing he could think of. He bowed with a flourish. "Ghost hunter at yer service."

The man, if he was Aidan, stared dumbly for a good fifteen seconds. His eyes went from the top of Thomas's head all the way to his feet and then shifted to the large suitcase at Thomas's side.

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