But it doesn't matter

400 5 9

Medkit and Subspace

The green light of the beeping clock illuminated the bedroom displaying the time being 2am as Medkit who was sprawled over his bed staring blankly at the ceiling

He couldn't sleep, not with he memories and dreams haunting him with the incident, he knew he needed to sleep, he has a Phight soon later today

Although no matter how much he tried he always dreamt of the incident, Dream of him, dream of..


Medkit grunted as he gripped his hair tightly, memories and feelings he wished to bury away to forget came rushing back in his mind no matter how much he tried to forget it

He hated the feeling yet no matter how much he avoided it, it always came back hitting him harder back the harder he tries to avoid and hide from it

After some time, he decides to just do his usual routine more early than usual, he stood up from his bed turning off the beeping clock he almost forgot about at the same time

He stumbled his way to his bathroom turning on the lights as he winced at the bright light, his eye(s) tiredly looked at the Mirror

As he stared at his reflection he couldn't help but notice his flaws, his eyebags darker than usual, his skin was pale, and skin was cold yet he felt warm

He washes his face trying his best to block out the reminder of the incident

After washing and drying his face he gets ready for the day, washing himself and putting on his usual layers upon layers of clothing, as he puts on the final part of his clothing he suddenly felt 2 light cold hands hold onto his shoulders almost as if gently dusting off the non existent dust from his suit

He turned around to see who it was only to find no one was there other than himself who was alone in his home, his hands shakily reaching his shoulders

He sighed shaking it off as just a figment of his imagination before going on about his day as usual

The Phights went on as usual, although it took a bit longer to start upon the realization someone was missing once again, Subspace

This was the 5th time of his absence in Phights, Hyperlaser started to show concern(More curiosity than true concern) upon realizing his coworker was not attending Phights

It didn't take a while to get a Phighter to take Subspace's place, after so, everything went along as normal, Medkit managed to get a good team this time

"Have you seen him?"

Not the kind that took every single hit or allowed Banhammer to smash them down into a pulp like an idiot like last time

"Not at all."

Though every once in a while Medkit could hear them talking about Subspace, he couldn't help but listen in

"Heard he was last seen going to the hospital"


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