Do you ever

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Ban Hammer

(He ain't safe, get yo tissues pookie bears, and plastic bags to get ready to barf)

Do you ever feel like slowly hating those around you as you spend more and more time with them and each after each it starts to feel so tiring to even live as long as they exist?

That's what Ban Hammer felt, it wasn't so like him! Big strong warden of Ban Lands being tired mentally of everyone and everything?! What a laugh!

Yet, he couldn't help but stare at his own reflection, tired, annoyed, angry, upset, overall just feeling drained to even just wake up and realize he's still alive

As each day passed he slowly grows to hate the voices of those around him, everyday he's slowly starts to hate them, their flawlessness and their flaws

Their presence became annoying, their talking was draining, their pokes on his mistakes are frustrating, their attitude made him want to never wake up again

To wake up already makes him frustrated, his bed calling out every morning makes him want to stay but the embarrassment inflicted on his mother Windforce if people saw him as lazy was a scary thought

The son of a Deity known as lazy?! He couldn't let that happen! No matter how much draining people are, no matter how tired they make him feel, he has to do it, who would even love a lazy being?

What would his worth be, if he can't even stand the voice of somebody, the presence of somebody, the touch of somebody, the overall existence of somebody standing next to him?

He felt so tired, SO tired, he just wants the day to end, everyday he wakes up with nothing to say other than 'Ill just to get through the week then I'll have a day to myself'

It's getting harder to keep his grinny smile as he use his Phinisher on the poor Phighter who happens to be in his way that would be flattened and smashed into a pulp

His strength slowly grows, not by his training but by the pent up frustration and anger that is rising within him like an over pressured bottle about to burst

"Clearly she raised you to be as brutish as her!"

Every night he can't help but look at the ceiling for hours and hours, thinking and wondering why and why does it have to be him?

He hated their voices, He hated waking up, He was tired of being challenged, he was tired of trying to be the best, he was tired of trying, He was tired.

"I wish I was able to understand myself"

His eyes stared at his reflection, his mind thinking deeper and deeper through, overthinking everything and anything, rethinking about everything he ever knew

He is Ban Hammer, Warden of Banlands, Son of Windforce, The big strong Warden! Yet he felt nothing at the thought, he was ashamed to admit it, he started to hate everyone and everything and.. his Mother

"How pitiful."

Just like every single time he held back his tears, breathing deeply before walking away from the Mirror not wanting to think too deep about things

Knowing it will only send him into spiraling thought of whether things were real or not, whether he did the Right thing or not, whether he was right or not

"I did what I had to do, you know it."

Another day, Another Monday, Another cruel 120 hours of waiting for it to be Saturday again to rest, sleep, and think about nothing and fall into a sleep of endless void

Sometimes he couldn't help but allow himself to sink into the dark void of his sleep as his body felt weightless in those moments making him feel so relieved

"I did what was right!"

He hated the fact everyday was the same, everything was the same, everything was dull and annoying, everyone is

Can he be known as who he wants to be? Probably not, is it worth the trouble to make it happen? Probably not, like always it will be wasted efforts

He hated them and himself for not being able to understand why he felt like this.

Thought I'd spare Ban Hammer huh? NUH UH. I will hunt every single one of em *Cutely ascends to heaven*

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