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     Danny took a minute to breathe before he looked around. People were cheering. For him! Not for Phantom but for Fenton. It was kind of hard to believe. And the look on Dash's face made it ten times better. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned around. He was standing in front of Mr. Lancer. Well. It was fun while it lasted.

"Lord Of The Flies, Mr. Fenton! My office now."

Begrudgingly, Danny accepted his fate. He followed Mr. Lancer into his office and awaited his punishment.

"Mr. Fenton do you know why you are in here?"

"Because I recreated High School Musical?"

Mr. Lancer placed a hand on his head. "I honestly don't know what to say to that. But yes. You, my dear child, have landed yourself a lead role in this year's musical."

That did not go how Danny thought it would. It could have been worse but Danny would have honestly preferred detention to this.

"Oh. So um... about that club. Do you know what musical it is going to be? Or when the auditions are?"

"Yes I do, the musical is going to be Ride The Cyclone and the auditions are actually tomorrow."

Danny remembers Sam talking about that musical once.

"Isn't Ride The Cyclone a bit inappropriate for school? Not that I mind, I just thought that since this is a public high school we would do something a little more appropriate."

"I can see your concerns about this Mr. Fenton but it's what the students want. I sent a message out to the parents as well and they said they were fine with it. It wasn't my first choice but it is still a good musical."

"Oh... Well do you have any ideas on who I will play?"

"Ultimately I want you to play a gender bent version of Jane Doe as we have more boys than girls in the club, but we will have to wait until auditions to see if you can get that role."

"Ah. Ok."

Mr. Lancer wanted Danny to play the headless doll girl.

"Yes, well Mr. Fenton if there is nothing else you may be on your way."


After school, Danny was lying his room, thinking of the best possible way to explain his current situation to his parents and Jazz. He had already told Sam and Tucker, they had made fun of him before telling him he'd do a good job. Jazz would probably do the same by less chastising. Though his parents would make a big deal about it.

He decided that dinner was the best time to tell them.

So that night when they were sitting at the table Danny started to speak, "So, um, I've got something to tell you..."

Jack, his dad, looked at him with slight concern and asked, "What's wrong Danno?"

Jazz picked up, "Is someone bothering you at school again?" But she also gave him a look that meant she thought this was about the ghost boy.

"No! No! Nothing like that. I just wanted to say I will be a bit late home on Wednesdays and Fridays due to play practice."

    "Play practice", his parents asked together.

     "Uh... Yeah! I signed up for the drama club."

      Jazz looked ecstatic, "That's great Danny! This will help you get out of your comfort zone and into a better mindset! Do you know who you are going to play?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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