4. Are you okay?

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Eddie took the terrified little girl back to the ambulance. She squirmed and squealed to get free and he shushed her in a desperate attempt to calm her. His heart broke as he imagined how petrified she was and how much she had seen. Both of her parents, brutally murdered before her eyes.
He sat in the back of the ambulance and rocked her back and forth for what seemed like hours but was only about thirty minutes. He sung her songs, lullabies he had sung to Christopher when he was little which made his heart break even further. Even all Christopher had been through in his whole life didn't amount to what this poor kid had just endured in mere minutes.

Eventually she drifted off to sleep and Eddie stopped shushing. Tears welled in his eyes as he rubbed her back to keep her settled. A lump formed in his throat and he found himself sniffling and holding his breath to stop himself falling apart
It was all so unfair.
Why would that man do such a thing.
Such an unspeakable thing.

His train of thought was cut off when Athena whispered into the ambulance
"Hey Diaz how is she?"

"Shes asleep finally." He mumbled back quietly, trying not to speak in fear of breaking down. That wouldn't help the situation.

"Thats good, thank you" Athena said in a hushed voice, not wanting to wake her again. "We are gonna take her to the hospital to get her checked over physically, she had a pretty nasty fall when he dropped her, then we just have to find somewhere for her to stay"

"Mhm" was all Eddie could get out.

"You sure you're okay?" Athena asked sympathetically.

"Is he dead?"

"No Eddie he's on his way to hospital"

"And her parents?"
He knew her father was dead. No doubt about it. He watched him lay there with a shattered head and punctured body for twenty minutes. But he wasn't certain about her Mother.

"They're both gone. We tried."

Eddie gulped and took a deep breath.

"She's gonna be okay you know, I'm sure shes got some family who will take her in, i can bet you she won't remember this day in a few years. Kids tend to forget like that."

"Mhm" was once again the extent of Eddie's reply.
Author's note:
Heyyyy this is a rly short chapter bcs i wanted to show Eddies feelings on the situation bcs obviously it hits close to home losing a parent but i think the rest of the chapters will be longer.
If ur still here thanks so much for reading! ❤️

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