Chapter XII

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Dirt and moss crunched underneath our feet. There seemed to be a very old path through the forest. It was overgrown and hard to tell from the rest of the woods, but the path was slightly visible. The West Forest was darker than the forest we had been traveling in. I could tell why the locals thought this place was the source of all evil. Pine followed behind me. His scarf hung around his neck at this point. You could see the patches that littered his face. He was looking back and forth nervously, and he never walked too far from me. I could sense his unease, and it made me wonder what dangers lay ahead in the West Forest. As we continued on, the silence of the woods was broken only by the occasional rustling of leaves or snapping of twigs under our feet.

I kept my eyes on the map. Following this path should lead us to Pine's home, and according to the locals, I would be able to find the werewolf around there. Pine would always peek over at the map, as if to see if we were going the right way. We were both aware that the trip would not be easy, as neither of us knew what to expect. The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows through the trees. I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched as we ventured deeper into the forest.

The wind whispered around the trees, causing the map to fold in my hands. I watched as Pine shivered beside me. In front of us was an old wooden house. It still stood but was clearly worn. The windows were clean, and there seemed to be a small light coming from inside. There was still a fresh garden growing in front of the house.

"Is this.." I paused in my question. "Your house?"

All I saw out of the corner of my eye was a slight nod from Pine. I took a few steps closer and saw the name on the mailbox: "Rivus." Pine stood at the end of the stairs to the house as I walked up the stairs. An atmosphere of loneliness encompassed the house.

The stairs creaked behind me. I glanced around and noticed the way the flowers in the garden seemed to have wilted, as if they had been neglected for some time. I put my hand up to the knob, only to have Pine's hand come up from behind me and slap it. I let out a yelp and stepped back in surprise. I looked up at Pine, and he went digging through his bag.

"Pine, what the hell?" I spoke a little too loud.

Pine pulled out his notebook and a small quill and started writing. "Let's split up to cover more ground." I hesitated for a moment, unsure of Pine's sudden change in behavior. As I watched him scribble in his notebook, I couldn't help but wonder what he was up to. However, knowing Pine's resourcefulness and determination, I reluctantly agreed to his suggestion and began mapping out our individual routes in my mind.

As much as it was a bad idea, it wouldn't hurt. We could find the werewolf faster that way and get out of these woods and this odd town. With a sigh of frustration, I nodded. "I guess I can scream if I need help."

I put my hand back on the doorknob, and Pine grabbed my hand. He shook his head and pointed to the forest. It clicked in my head. Oh. Pine wanted to enter the house by himself. I gave him a final glance before walking down the stairs and starting my way around the house. I would find that werewolf myself and kill it then. Determination filled me, and I held my head high as I made my way around the house. As I circled the house, the sounds of the forest grew louder, filling me with a mix of anticipation and unease. The moon's glow illuminated my path, casting eerie shadows that danced along the trees. With each step, my resolve strengthened, knowing that I had to confront the werewolf lurking in these woods and bring an end to its reign of terror. The wind whispered through the branches, adding to the suspense of the night. My grip tightened on the stake I carried, ready to face whatever awaited me in the darkness.

I turned to the woods behind the house. Turning back to look at the house, I see that Pine isn't behind me. I sighed and continued into the woods. I felt a twinge of regret as I left, but I knew that my determination to succeed was the only way to move forward.

The woods creaked and groaned around me. The spot where Pine would walk beside me felt cold and distant. As much as I had lived alone up until a few weeks ago, it still felt weird not having Pine by my side.

The wind made the trees dance. The shadows of the trees flickered and flashed with the light of the sun. A light fog filled the ground. The West Forest was getting creepier by the second. A shiver fell down my back as I reached for my daggers. I continued to walk slowly, my hand tight around my dagger. I could feel the hairs on my neck standing up as the fog became thicker, and I felt a presence, though I couldn't see it.

"Pine?" My voice broke out. Deep down, I knew the presence wasn't Pine. He was soft, kind, and full of love; this one was evil. Slowly, I put my back against a tree, my eyes wandering around the fog.

"Who is it?" I yelled. My dagger was raised to my chest, ready to swing. There was no answer, only a faint whisper of the wind.

"Show yourself!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. My voice rang through the trees. I waited with bated breath, expecting an answer.

A small growl came from behind me. I jumped out of the tree and turned around to find the werewolf. He was huge, towering over me; he was full of hair, and his knees bent backward. The only thing human about it was how it stood on two legs. His eyes were a deep and fierce yellow, and his snarl seemed to shake the trees around him. His breath came out in puffs of smoke.

My grip on my dagger tightened. I let out a sigh. All I could do now was attack.

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