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After the meeting was done, Hoseok came back to his cabin

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After the meeting was done, Hoseok came back to his cabin. He was about to go in but stopped and looked back. He saw Jimin was still working.

Jimin, as if he felt someone was looking at him, looked to his side only to see Hoseok standing right by his side.

Hoseok immediately looked away when he saw Jimin looking at him. He cleared his throat a little, "Mrs. Hong, please come to my cabin" He said and went inside.

Jimin looked at him going. He stared at the close door for some seconds before shaking his head and again focusing on his work.

Inside the Cabin

Yuna (Mrs. Hong) came inside the cabin and stood infront of Hoseok. "What happened sir?" She asked politely.

Hoseok looked at her and took a deep breath before asking, "Who is that person who greeted me this morning?"

Yuna looked confused for a second but then smiled and said, "Sir, he is the new intern in Management Department. He joined today only. His name is Park Jimin"

(AN- Just for this story, imagine Wendy's surname was Park)

Hoseok nodded his head, "H..how is he?" He asked. Yuna frowned, "What do you mean sir?" She asked confusion clear in her voice.

"I meant... How is he in work?" He rephrased. Yuna nodded her head, "Well, Sir, Jimin seems to be adapting quickly. He's attentive and eager to learn. Plus, he's already interacting well with his colleagues. Seems like he'll be a valuable addition to the team," Yuna replied with a reassuring smile.

Hoseok nodded, relieved to hear Yuna's positive feedback. "That's good to hear. Keep an eye on him, Mrs. Hong. Let me know if he needs any assistance or if there are any issues. Even if there is any small problem, do let me know" He paused for a moment before adding, "And please, ensure he feels welcomed and supported here."

Yuna nodded, understanding the implicit directive. "Of course, Sir. I'll make sure he feels right at home," she assured him with a smile.

As Yuna left the cabin, Hoseok leaned back in his chair, his mind still lingering on the unexpected encounter with Jimin earlier.

Despite his efforts to maintain professionalism, memories of their shared past and childhood kept coming back to him again and again reminding him of all the sweet moments he spent with his brother. A smiled crept on his lips thinking about all those moments.

"Sigh Why Chim Why? Why did you had to join this company only? Why!! It's impossible for Hyung to ignore the fact that his little brother is right infront of him and he can't do or say anything to him!! Why you came Chim!!" Hoseok said to himself. 

He picked up the glass vase and threw it near the door wall, due to which, it ofcourse broke.

As the vase shattered against the wall, Hoseok's frustration and inner turmoil seemed to momentarily find release in the act of destruction. He closed his eyes, trying to regain composure as the echoes of the shattered glass faded into the background.

Taking a deep breath, Hoseok stood up from his chair and walked over to the broken pieces scattered across the floor. With a sigh, he began to pick them up one by one, his mind still consumed by conflicting emotions.

Outside, the office hummed with its usual activity, unaware of the storm brewing within its CEO's office. Hoseok knew he had to find a way to navigate this situation, to maintain the facade of professionalism while grappling with the tangled threads of his past and present.

He was still in his thoughts, that he didn't noticed the glass piece going inside his hands until he saw the blood. "Aish. See Chim, Hyung is still clumsy as always" he again said to himself while shaking his head.
He then again started to pick up the glass pieces and threw them in the dustbin.

As he returned to his desk, Hoseok made a silent promise to himself. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect you, Chim," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Even if it means keeping my distance, even if it means sacrificing my own happiness."



Hey Jimin" Yuna said as she came towards Jimin. Jimin looked at her and stood up. "Yes?"

"I saw the work you completed and Well, I have to say. You did a great job even tho it was your first day. Great job" She praised making Jimin smile.

He bowed a little, "Thank you" Yuna smile and nodded her head. "Well, since your work is finished, you can head out first. It's already 5:55" she said looking at her watch.

Jimin smiled and nodded his head, "Oh! Thank you so much" Yuna nodded her head and left from there with a smile.

Jimin took a breath and started to arrange his materials and desk before leaving.

Once he was done, he took his bag and stood up. He looked at the closed CEO's door and smiled, "I am glad, I met you again after so many years Hyung. Even tho our relationship now is of Boss and an Intern, I'll make sure to Cheris it. Now, I am more than happy that I sit here. Whenever you will open the door, the first person you will see is your Chim and I'll also get to see you more often. And Hyung, I am happy with that only. Love you. Take care. Bye" Jimin said in a tone audible to him only.

He wiped the tear at the corner of his eyes and smiled again. With a last look, he left the office feeling happy.

Hey Moonlights

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Hey Moonlights

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Words Count- 1000

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