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Jimin sighed and shook his heads to get rid of the thoughts which will never come true

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Jimin sighed and shook his heads to get rid of the thoughts which will never come true. Instead, he decided to focus on present and be happy.

Just then, he also remembered something else and said, "Uh, Mom you know today our Boss praised me infront of everyone"

Wendy's eyes lit up with pride and curiosity as Jimin mentioned his boss's praise. "Really? What did he say?" she asked, her voice filled with anticipation.

Jimin chuckled, feeling a sense of satisfaction as he recounted the moment. "He said that my hard work played a significant role in securing a major deal for the company which we finally got," he explained, his voice tinged with excitement. "And then he announced that I've been promoted to permanent staff!"

Wendy's smile widened even further, her heart swelling with pride for her son. "Chim, that's amazing!" she exclaimed, pulling him into another tight hug. "I always knew you had it in you. I'm so proud of you."

Jimin hugged his mother back, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. "Also, tomorrow our Boss is throwing a party. To celebrate the success of the deal and to welcome me as the permanent staff" He told them.

Wendy and YN smiled feeling very happy for Jimin. Wendy's eyes sparkled with excitement at the news of the party. "A party? That sounds wonderful!" she exclaimed, her smile growing even wider. "It'll be a great way to celebrate your achievements, Chim."

YN nodded eagerly, "Yeah Oppa!" she chimed in, her eyes shining with anticipation. "I am sure you are going to have so much fun tomorrow!"

Jimin grinned, feeling a rush of happiness at their reactions. "Yeah, I'm looking forward to it too," he said, his heart swelling with gratitude for his supportive family. "It's going to be a memorable celebration."

Jimin also told them about his meet with Yuna and how he got to know she was his Yu Noona. YN started to whine and sulk telling Jimin that she also wants to meet her.

Jimin decided to tease her a little and said, "No you can't sis. She is very busy" YN whined more hearing this and pouted.

Jimin couldn't help but laugh at YN's adorable pout. "Okay, okay, I was just joking," he said, giving her a playful nudge. "I'm sure we can arrange a meeting soon. After all, she's family, right?"

YN's face lit up with excitement at the prospect of meeting her childhood Unnie. "Really, Oppa? You promise?" she asked, her eyes wide with hope.

Jimin nodded with a smile. "Of course, YN. I promise," he replied, his heart warmed by her enthusiasm. "She will also love to meet you again."

Wendy watched the playful exchange between her children with a soft smile, feeling grateful for the bond they shared. "It's wonderful to see you two so happy," she said, her voice filled with love. "You make me proud every day."

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