New passion project

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All characters are 18 years of age or older. This is a work of fiction and is meant to be viewed as such. Will be mostly from the Yuki's point of view. Plenty of lemon scenes.

Yuki, a small boy of Japanese descent, was raised by his single mother in a bustling city in  New York . His name, which meant "snow" in Japanese, always seemed a bit effeminate to him, but it was a name chosen by his mother, and he cherished the connection it held to his heritage.

However, Yuki often struggled with aspects of his appearance that made him feel self-conscious. Despite being 18, he was just 5 feet tall, with a slender frame and pert butt that some mistook for a girl's. His long, silky hair and porcelain-white skin only added to this perception. Yuki often found himself subjected to teasing and misunderstanding because of his appearance.

In high school, Yuki faced challenges from his peers who didn't understand his gentle nature and appearance. He endured whispers and taunts, which left him feeling isolated and misunderstood. Even well-meaning friends would comment on his appearance, unaware of the hurt it caused.

Despite the challenges, Yuki found solace in his love for music and art. He played the piano beautifully, losing himself in the melodies that flowed from his fingertips. Painting became another outlet for his emotions, allowing him to express the depth of his feelings in vibrant colors on canvas.

Yuki's relationship with his mother was not the best either. His mother worked long, hard hours, leaving no time for him. To be honest, Yuki was sure his mother had always wanted a girl, not a boy. So his relationship with his mother was always a bit strained.

Upon entering college, Yuki faced a new environment filled with unfamiliar faces and expectations. Determined to break free from stereotypes and misconceptions, he joined the college orchestra and art club, where he discovered a community of kindred spirits who valued creativity and authenticity.

And that's where he met Madison, the head cheerleader, surprisingly in his art club. Yuki had expected that such an athletic girl from the college would focus solely on training rather than art, but to his pleasant surprise, she was an active member of the club.

Madison's presence in the art club intrigued Yuki. She possessed a vibrant energy that complemented her artistic talents. Despite her popularity and involvement in cheerleading, Madison approached art with enthusiasm and a genuine interest in expressing herself creatively.

Yuki often noticed Madison watching him or stealing glances in his direction. Despite her outgoing nature, Yuki felt an overwhelming shyness that caused him to avert his eyes towards the floor whenever he caught her gaze. He wasn't even sure how to approach or talk to someone as pretty and popular as Madison.

But the thing that made it very hard for Yuki to interact with her was that he had a cute crush on her. She was very pretty and nice. But he couldn't muster up the courage to tell her how he felt. Surely she would be more interested in the basketball players she cheered for.

Back at home Yuki couldn't help but jerk his tiny two inch penis to thoughts of Maddy. Yuki while he was in college was still a virgin. He hadn't had much success on dating girls even if he had female friends. He felt that the girls however usually saw him as one of the girls more than as a man.

"I wish I could talk to her," he said to himself as he squirted another small load. But he also knew she might laugh at his tiny cock. Surely she had dated guys on the football team who were much bigger. He was sure some of the dudes were five times his size down there. What could he possibly offer?

As he lay there, his small belly covered in cum, he looked over at his watch. He decided it was time for bed; he would need to get up again early for art class tomorrow.

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