The Clock is Ticking

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Okay! So since a lot of you requested me for an early update. Here it is. I hope you guys will like the chapter!

Devendra's pov -

I saw Devyani sleeping peacefully beside me. The moonlight coming from the window of our room was shining on her face, making her look even more beautiful.

She was sleeping while holding the little finger of my hand, her face looking like a small baby. Seeing her like this brought a smile to my face automatically.

I still can't comprehend how lucky I am to have her as my life partner. The feelings I have for her nowadays are indescribable.

She is the best gift of my life.

Ah, the gift, my birthday gift that she gave me.

I got up slowly, making sure not to disturb her sleep, and walked towards the sofa where my pants were lying. My hands went towards the left pocket of my pants so that I could retrieve the letter I had kept inside.

I opened the letter and read the words she had written in it. A smile appeared on my face as I read her letter, the way she scolded me for not picking up her call at the beginning of the letter, the way she said I am her everything.

God! This woman is something else. I can't describe her in words.

I was genuinely touched by her simplicity. She knew I am not much into materialistic things, so she chose something very simple, and it really touched my heart.

My eyes kept reading the words in the letter, and I was smiling like a teenage boy.

I read the letter one more time, then I folded it and kept it near my heart, looking at Devyani. I said, "This is very precious to me, biwi. Your first ever letter to me. I will always keep it close to me."

As I gazed at her, thoughts of her second gift automatically crossed my mind. The boldness she displayed was unexpected, considering she's usually shy around me.

Occasionally, she has revealed her wild side, but the side she showed me today was entirely different. She demanded me to beg her, and her seductive demeanor was captivating.

It was a sight to behold, and as she said, honestly, this was the best birthday night of my entire life. I will never forget this night.

Lost in my thoughts, I noticed the light of my phone flashing and vibrating for two seconds, indicating a message.

Who would message me at this hour, I wondered silently as I reached for my phone on the table next to our bed.

Opening the message from an unknown number, my smile faded as I read the message, and a surge of anger began to bubble within me.

"Make your choice wisely. The clock is ticking!"

I tightened my grip on my phone, and all the forgotten tensions and worries rushed back into my mind. The reason for my trip to Delhi, the proposed deal-all of it flooded back.

I didn't want to worry my family, which is why when I returned, I plastered a smile on my face to assure them that everything was fine.

And then, there was Devyani's gift, which momentarily made me forget my troubles and allowed me to live freely without dwelling on my problems. But, the truth cannot be avoided for long.

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