The Searing Red

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'WOOSH!' The whirring, twin maces were narrowly avoided by Zircon, as they bisected the air.

"You're quite nimble for a tree hugger." Bayis taunted, whilst she whimsically twirled her twin maces around like a maniacal princess. The jangling of their chains, akin to a blood curdling cackle.

At last, her out-worldly appearance became clear as the mystic moon cast it's luminous spotlight upon the bringer of misery. Vain, voluptuous white hair crowned her head, as two curly, luscious pigtails trailed downwards, framing the valley of white silk that reached her lower back. Platinum roses, furnished either side of her head whilst golden jewels shaped like rain droplets hung like chandeliers from them.
A silvery bang covered her left eye and a beauty spot gleamed under her right eye like a diamond stud. Her face possessed a wicked beauty, sweet yet toxic and irresistibly fatal...

She possessed noir lips and her malefic amber eyes were perfectly carved out with striking kohl. Her body was adorned with a tribal warrior attire not known to the lands and her voice echoed with a beauteous, pernicious, seductive arrogance.

"Hmph, I've had to live with Sable... dealing with you is nothing." Zircon thought to himself.

Liason stood aghast at the femme- fatale before him. Her magnetic pull had begun to captivate his heart and ensnare his soul.

"OHOOOH! I see the way your eyes long for me, human. Who needs happiness when you have Bayis right!? Ahaaa, you're pretty handsome for a human too. Submit to me and swear allegiance to the Origin. Aid us in finding the great Dharun Tarheen and we will replace your fragile humanity with the essence of the Origin." Bayis mischievously offered.

"Well now, you do drive a hard bargain little lady." Liason said as he tipped his hat.

"So we have a deal? Help me fell this green freak to confirm your loyalty then!" the herald of misery demanded.

"Sorry. But my detective work comes first!" Liason refused. Immediately, he spat his sharp toothpick at her.

The femme fatale, remained unimpressed as the toothpick bounced off of her forehead. "Hmph, I can see it now! The headliner reading Liason bests beautiful she-devil is battle!" the emboldened detective exclaimed whilst unsheathing two daggers from his sleeves. 'Ka-klang!' "G-goodness, what are you made out of?" Liason uttered, astounded, as one of his daggers shattered upon contact with her.

There Bayis stood, with her head cocked to the side and one hand on her hips "Who, me? I'm made of beautiful MISERY!" she hissed, before swinging her dual maces at him!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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