Chapter 2

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~ A few days later~

Music played softly around the Brooklyn apartment. Food was cooking on the stove. Bucky twirled May around before pulling her close and kissing her. Buffy used her key to open the door, letting the trio in. Dean growled, seeing the strange man kissing his daughter and quickly shooting at him. Bucky raised his metal arm, blocking the bullet while pushing May out of the way.

May softly as she looked at her parents and who she assumed was her uncle Sam. "Bucky, meet my dad." She then looked at Buffy. "Mom."

Buffy nodded slightly. "Hey, Sweetie."

"Princess." Dean cocked his gun as he looked at her. "Interesting hair color."

Bucky stared at the two. "Your parents?"

May shrugged slightly. "I warned you they weren't normal."

Bucky headed to the counter to pour himself a drink. "You didn't say I was gonna get shot."

May sighed. "Yeah, dad's impulsive like that." She noticed Sam. "You must be my Uncle Sam."

Sam stares at her in confusion. He had no idea what this girl was talking about or why Dean shot first without asking questions.

Buffy watched as May went to the stove. "So, Oz called."

"Figured as much. Bucky isn't a vampire mom."

Bucky looked at May. "Why would she think I'm a vampire?"

Dean stared. "Because our daughter is dating someone over a hundred years old who looks like he's in his late twenties."

Bucky raised a brow. "You don't look like you have a twenty year old daughter."

Dean raised his gun to shoot again but  dropped it to catch the knife May threw at him. "Ellie May!"

May stared at him. "Be nice, dad."

Buffy sighed, taking the knife. "May no throwing knives at your father. Dean, stop trying to shoot our daughter's boyfriend. Sam, close your mouth. Bucky, is it? Can I have a drink, please?"

Bucky poured another drink, handing it to Buffy.

May huffed and started plating food. "Might as well join us for dinner."

Sam finally spoke. "I'm an uncle?"

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