03 - Awaited Activities and a Persistent Kishimoto

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It took me by surprise when his impatient lips met mine, his tongue naturally falling and exploring my mouth. I suppressed my moans, trying not to let his ego win this fight. After a couple minutes of an intense, heated make-out, his lips left mine. I felt empty without them and whined.

"God, you don't know how long I've been waiting for this, Juliette." He whispered harshly, chills running down my back and entering my drenched centre.

By the movements and motives of his actions, I could already tell he'd been waiting all night for this to happen.

Before I could process what was happening, he lifted me up, wrapping my legs around him as he continued his kisses while hoisting me up. Aaron's fingers caressed my backside, rubbing obscure shapes that made me sigh into his mouth. "Aaron..-" I begged, trying to grind myself against him.

"Oh no, Juliette. You really think I'm going to help you out when you've been practically teasing me all night?" He whispered harshly as he bit my lower lip. Warner forced himself against my core, letting out a deep groan. I moan softly at the sensation.

He lifted me up and carried me away to the kitchen, seating me on the cold, hard marble counter. "I'm going to make a feast of you tonight, my love." Aaron rasped. I gulped and watched his swift movements. He peeled the straps off my dress, leaving soft kisses in its place. He earned a low rumble from my betraying mouth that made his eyes glow with hunger. In one fast movement, he stripped my luscious gown to reveal the matching black, floral lace, lingerie set I wore today. I stared back up with lustful eyes as I met his emerald-green stare. He carefully stared me up and down, hungrily. As if I were the mouse and he was the cat. A low, husky groan escaped his gaping mouth and I could've gotten off to the greedy gaze he was giving me.

He glared starvingly at me. "Jesus Juliette- Are you trying to kill me?"

I pulled his shoulders down, his lips meeting mine.

"Ruin me," I stifled a moan. "Please."


Goddamnit, Juliette Ferrars.


I didn't even have a moment to blink when he pushed me down onto the counter. I gasped at the cold material, invading my in-contrast, warm skin.

"Now, where should I start with you?" He tsked.

If Aaron was going to play games with me, then so was I. Leaning up on my elbows, I took one of my hands and started kneading my full breast, my right hand going to tease my covered, wet core. I whimpered, teasing him. "Mmph, touch me, Aaron." I threw my head back as I felt something stirring in my lower stomach. His eyes grew with appetite, and I knew that I got what I wanted.

"My, my, Juliette. I thought you were a good girl?" Aaron purred as he removed both hands from my body, replacing them with his own. Similar to earlier tonight, he slipped his sly, long fingers underneath my undergarments and started rubbing at a taunting pace. I watched as he crept his hand into my lacy undergarments, his fingers soothing that craving I'd been yearning for. The only sounds in the kitchen being my quiet sighs and the sloppy sounds of Aaron's fingers working me.

I gasped as he added a third finger to the mess I was leaving on the kitchen counter. "Only sometimes." I shot back, tone unsteadier and far less teasingly than I intended - a moan escaping my lips as he shoved his fingers deeper into my cunt.

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