False Knight

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I never knew how easy it was to you?
Get that face of the angel hide your true face
How much you had deceive me
In every turn

You always were calling me a Princess and a Queen
But it was different being called one
And how you did end up treat me
That was never same

Sweet words can’t hide cruel actions long
All of the lies are starting to crumple
Love had made me blind
But now I starting to see

That innocent little heart is looking pretty stupid now
Believing lies that painted the fairytale
The knight in shiny armor
Was never more than idiot in tinfoil

Heart of a dreamer had fallen fallen victim of lies
Trying to believe best in people
But your cruel heart can't be hidden any longer
This dreamer doesn't believe your lies anymore

It wasn't white horse you rode
It was a pale horse
False knight who was pretending to be the hero
But it was always you who set the house fire you were rescuing me from

It is too late to try repaint the story
This will never be the fairytale you promised
I won't ever be Queen of your heart
You were not the King but the villain

And I don't need to be rescued by you
I need to be rescued from you
That is the real story
Your fairytales aren't real

C.F. Grönroos ©
Original poem and All rights reserved to C.F. Grönroos

Previously published in:
Mysteries by Rose Blog March 22. 2024

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