These Little Deaths

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To feel belonging back there
Even when I know
It is just site of many past little deaths
And heart breaks

How many times my heart needs to break in your hands?
To me understand that maybe
Maybe you and I aren't meant to be
That we are not star-crossed lovers after all

All these little deaths of my heart
Each costing me more
Taking parts of me
Leaving me more and more broken

Each broken piece fallen on your feet
Still you somehow managed to break broken heart even more
In your hands my heart has been torn
And you call it love

There have been so many nights when I have died little by little
Your love is my favorite poison
I know it is not good for me
But still I can't stop loving you

No matter how many times I run away from you
It is my heart that can't let go
It makes my legs run back to you
Every time

Your love is killing me
Still I'm the willing victim
Your poisonous love is too strong
It is an addiction I need to break

This time I need to stay away
Even staying away from you feels like I'm dying
And it hurts me so much
These little deaths need to end

Maybe this is part of me and my heart that needs to die
To me be free from your love
To leave these past little deaths behind
To born again

Reborn someone new
Whose heart is not been torn in pieces by your love
And your poisonous love is no longer my favorite drink
And your lips and hands no longer burn on my skin

You no longer can haunt my every thought
One day I will be free
One day I don't even remember sound of your voice
And these deaths finally killed my love for you
Setting me free

C.F. Grönroos ©
Original poem and all rights reserved to C.F. Grönroos

Previously published in:
Mysteries by Rose Blog December 9. 2023

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