Part 4

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I walked over to my closet, stepped inside and shut the door. Okay...what am I going to wear? It's bedtime so maybe a pair of short shorts, and a tank top? Sure. I slid on a pair of pink shorts and my favorite white tank top that said Paramore. I walked through my closet door and heard Aaron's breathing hitch.  

"Hey," I said timidly.  

"Hey," Aaron smiled back.  

"I'm gonna go grab some water in the kitchen, do you want anything?" I asked. 

"Um, can you just grab me a uh, root beer. Please" he asked. 

"Sure," I said walking out of our room.  

When I walked back in I spilled water all over my WHITE tank top.  

"DAMN IT!" Crap! My bra's showing. 

"Here's your soda." I stuck out my hand. He walked up and took the soda and put it down on his dresser. We stood for a few moments staring into each other's eyes. Before I realized what was going on, we were leaning towards each other. The moment our lips it felt like a million fireworks were going off around us. Oh my god! What about Christian! In case I forgot to tell you, I have a boyfriend back home in New York. I shouldn't be doing this, but before I knew it both our shirts were on the ground. Wow, Aaron isn't as scrawny as I thought he was, he had medium sized muscles. NO! You love Christian! I pushed Aaron off. 

"I-I can't do this. I-uh have a boyfriend back home," I stuttered and ran out of the room before I saw his reaction, through the family room, and out into the hallway outside our room. When I heard whistles coming from down the hall I realized that my shirt was on the floor in my room. I ran to the set of stairs no one used, I ran down until I wasn't visible from the little window in the door, and then I broke down crying. I never cry. Ever. I really love Christian, and I just started getting to know Aaron. I had been dating Christian since we started high school two years ago. He was my first time, and I was positive I was in love with him. But the way Aaron kissed me was like he knew a secret about me that no one else knew, like he had known me since we were kids. Christian's kisses didn't even compare to Aaron's. Christian had known me since we were kids; he grew up in the building across the street from mine.

I stayed on the stairwell until I thought all the guys were asleep and walked back up the stairs. As I presumed all the doors were closed. I walked to our door and pushed it open, all the lights were off. I tiptoed to my room and pushed open the door. Aaron was snoring lightly in his bed. I walked over and picked up my now dry tank top, and slid it on. I next walked over and picked up my iPhone off my bed. I walked outside into the hallway and speed dialed Christian.  

"Hello?" he asked sleepily.  

"Hey," I said. 

"HEY BABE!" he immediately perked up. It is going to kill me to do this.  

"Um, we need to talk," I said, " I think we should break up. Now that I'm going to my new school I need to be free of everything. And I'm so sorry. You know I love you so much. You are my best friend. I'm sorry." I rushed out. 

Click. He hung up. I felt soundless sobs shake threw my body. There is no way I'll be able to sleep now. I knew exactly what I needed. I walked down to my uncle's room in the teachers building next to mine and knocked on his door. He answered it in green flannel pajama bottoms and a t-shirt.  

"What's wrong?!" he asked immediately pulling me into his arms.  

"I-I-I b-broke up w-with my b-b-boyfriend," I sobbed into his shirt.  

" Okay, honey, okay," he said as he pulled me to the couch. I fell asleep crying into his shirt.

I woke and rubbed my eyes. Where am I? Oh yeah, Uncle Tom's room.  

"Hey!" he shouted at me, " finally up. Huh?" he walked over and put a cup of coffee into my hands. 

"Thanks," I said taking a huge sip.  

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked me. 

"Not really. But I have to go unpack and all that stuff. Thanks a lot uncle tom," I said discarding my empty coffee mug into his sink.  

"Bye!" he yelled to me. 


I walked through the warm summer air, passed the pool, and the tennis courts, into my building. I took the elevator up to the fourth floor. I stepped out to be bombarded by a group of guys throwing a football around. I wove through the crowd and to my door. I pushed it open and stepped inside. All the guys were sitting in the living room watching TV.  

"Where were you!" Jason shouted jumping up and enveloping me in a hug, " we were so worried!" 

"Sorry. I was at my uncles room." I muttered.  

"Well you need to go get changed we're taking you on a tour of the school," Neil told me.  

"Okay," I said.  

I untangled myself form Jason and walked into my room, I heard two feet following close behind me. When I shut the door I turned around. 

" About last night-," I started but he interrupted.  

" Just forget it. You have a boyfriend, I shouldn't have kissed you. Sorry." Aaron muttered before leaving the room.  

"But-," I said too late, the door was already closed. Well that was rude. 

I walked over to my closet and slid on my favorite sundress form Bloomingdale's and a pair of J Crew flip flops and walked out to meet the boys.

comment please. sorry its another short one but i have to go do my homework. i'll write more this weekend.

Stuck at Boarding School, Rooming with 3 GuysWhere stories live. Discover now