Part 11

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As I walked to the field I felt someone walking behind me, "I think it would be best if you stayed here," I told Neil not wanting "Daddy" to get upset. Yes, he barely ever pays attention, but when he does it's all "Daddy's little girl" stuff. I heard Neil's footsteps fade into the distance as we walked our separate ways. I eventually made my way to the helicopter where I saw my father stepping out.  

"Hi Dad," I said when I eventually made my way to him.  

"Hello Eliza. Come here and give your father a hug!" he exclaimed as if we were the best of friends.  

I reluctantly gave in to the extremely awkward hug. He pulled away after a few seconds.  

"So Dad, why are you here?" I asked cautiously.  

"Well, your Uncle Tom informed me of your erm promiscuous behavior," saying the word promiscuous as though it was a vile creature.  

"He did?" I asked him in disbelief. I thought Uncle Tom was being cool about this?  

"Well, him and a reporter at one of those stupid charity galas your mother makes me go to. He asked me about all the articles in the tabloids there have been about you" he said while smoothing the lapel on his black business suit.  

"Well maybe I should inform them of your behavior?" I saw him physically cringe back his normally straight face becoming nervous and turning beet red all the way to the roots of his all gray hair.  

"What are you talking about," I heard him swallow and saw the Adam's apple on his neck bob.  

"Don't bullshit a bullshitter Dad. I know about every single one of those tramps you fuck around with behind mom's back. I also know that Mom knows and is fucking her personal trainer," I talked back to him. He can stick that in his juice box and suck it.  

"She's cheating on me?" his tone in utter confusion.  

"Payback's a bitch," I smiled using the very familiar words I just said less than thirty minutes ago to Neil.  

"Well, you are to tell no one young lady," he ordered.  

"Only if you let me leave boarding school," I gave him the ultimatum watching him squirm, "I want my old life back, the one where the butlers would do everything for me. The one where I was happy and I could do what I wanted."  

"That's exactly what you're doing here!" he yelled back, "You're sleeping around and acting like a tramp!"  

The words stung, no matter how much I hated my dad there were times when I loved him more than life itself.


It was my birthday, I was turning six. My mom had been at a resort in aspen at the time and my dad was at work. I sat at home all day with my nanny looking out the window of our penthouse watching the snow fall. Eventually around 12:00 my dad made it home early for my birthday. I jumped out of the chair I was sitting in and I ran to my dad.  

"Daddy!" I yelled as I jumped into his open arms. At the time my father had been very family oriented. It was just after he began making a lot of money. He grew up solid middle class with a loving set of parents and two older brothers, Tom and Bradley, and a younger sister, Annabelle. They grew up happy and that's exactly what he wanted for me. On the other hand my Mom grew up rich and privileged.  

"Where's your mom?" he had asked me, his Boston accent very clearly heard, the same one that had eventually faded when he become rich and powerful.  

"She went out," I told him laying my head on his shoulder facing the hair that had just begun to turn gray.  

"Do you want your birthday present now?" he asked looking into my eyes that had begun to fill with tears.  

"YEAH!" I had yelled. Presents could fix everything when you were younger.  

My dad had told the nanny she could go home as we walked out the door. I remember sitting in the black town car that drove my father around the big city. It took hours to get there but we eventually made it out to Cape Cod where my grandparents lived. They lived in a medium sized house that my father paid for; it was yellow with a big yard.The snow was falling here as well, even more than in the city. The ground was covered with a blanket of about six inches. When we eventually made it to my grandparent's house my father gave the driver money to stay at a hotel or inn around here. He hoisted me up onto his shoulders and walked through the snow; the bottom of his pants becoming soaked. He rang the doorbell and his mother opened the door.  

"HI ma," was all he said. She opened the door and welcomed us inside. My Dad took me off his Shoulders and placed me on the floor. As soon as he did that my grandma enveloped me in a tight hug.  

"Hey Darlin'," she smiled, her southern accent coming out from being raised in Texas.  

"Grandma!" I wrapped my arms around her legs never wanting to let go. My birthday present was seeing my grandma. She had cancer and only a little time left, I didn't know it at the time.  

Three weeks later she died. At the funeral my grandfather held me in his arms as I cried into his shoulder. All I understood at the time was that my grandma was gone forever and never coming back. I cried for three weeks strait not understanding why I couldn't see my grandma. After the day of the funeral my dad became cold and awkward. He never visited his father on the cape and never went to his mother's grave.


All the old memories resurfaced and I felt my eyes flood with tears. And then I remembered what was important about this day.  

"Can I barrow the helicopter Dad?" I asked, "I'll have it back before tomorrow."  

"Okay?" he answered hesitantly. I climbed into the copter and told the pilot to land at the Marshtons Mills airport on Cape Cod. When we landed in the field that looked like it needed a good amount of water.  

"Thank you, would you mind staying here I'll be gone for about two hours?" I said.  

"No problem mam," he answered.  

I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket as I walked away from the helicopter.  

"Hello?" the familiar voice said into my ear.  

"Hey Grandpa," I said, ten minutes later he made it to the small airport to pick me up. He pulled up in the old Chevy truck he'd had since the 70s.  

"Hey Grandpa!" I yelled as I ran to the car. He climbed out and wrapped his arms around me tightly.  

"I missed you," was all he said. I climbed into the passenger side of the truck and buckled my seatbelt.  

We drove in a comfortable silence for the ten minute drive home. When he pulled into the driveway I climbed out and took a deep breath to steady myself and keep from crying.  

"Would you mind if I barrowed grandmas car?" I saw it sitting in the driveway, the old blue van that was perfect for putting flowers in and bringing them home to plant.  

"Sure hun. Are you gonna be back? You just got here," Grandpa smiled at me.  

"I'll be back, I promise," I told him.  

"The keys are in the ignition," he motioned to the car. He walked into the house as I climbed into the car.  

It smelled just like her, her perfume, cookies, and flowers. The tears slid down my cheeks silently. I drove until I got to stop n shop and I climbed out of the car. I had five dollars with me so I bought a small bouquet of wildflowers, Grandma's favorites. I eventually made it into the car and pulled out of the parking lot. I drove for less than five minutes and made it too the town cemetery. I remember exactly where my grandma is buried. I parked on the side of the road and walked to her grave. I laid the flowers down and sat there crying, "Happy birthday Grandma," I whispered, "I love you."

this chapter actually made me cry, i dont think thats ever happened before. please comment and tell me if you like it.

Stuck at Boarding School, Rooming with 3 GuysOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz