chapter one

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  Katsuki always woke up earlier, and today was no exception to his strict regimen. He would get washed up, fix a quick breakfast, and then go out for a run. However, he would have to be fast and quiet about it; the last time Katsuki made any noise and woke Mitsuki, she completely flipped out and started screaming at him. She threw whatever she could get her hands on and screamed that he was always making things so difficult for her and that he could be more considerate of her and Masaru's sleep schedule.

He never made the mistake of waking her up again.

With a sigh, Katsuki padded towards the bathroom and drenched his face in lukewarm water. He still had heavy bags beneath his eyes, but it was nothing that a little foundation and concealer couldn't fix. Having parents who were well-versed in fashion and makeup meant Katsuki had access to several high-end makeup brands, and the price was worth it. The makeup wouldn't crease and stay in place for a while; it would be fine today. If the hag complained about why she was missing any makeup supplies, he could always replace it with what money he had tucked away. He should have more than enough tucked away in the seams of his mattress.

Once he applied the concealer and foundation, Katsuki quietly moaned and palmed his face. He was a fucking idiot for putting on the makeup before going on a run. He would have to shower before classes started, so it would have made more sense if he had applied the makeup after his morning routine. He pinched the bridge of his nose, scrubbing under his eyes and removing the makeup.

Whatever. Katsuki could redo it after his run.

Dressed in a thin tank top and running shorts, Katsuki went downstairs with a half-empty water bottle. Thankfully, Mitsuki was dead asleep, and if his father were awake, he would be in the kitchen, getting everything ready for breakfast. Katsuki would stay out of their way and pick something up quickly from the convention store. The fruit there was dirt cheap, and he could pick up something for lunch, too, unless the fucking nerd decided to pester him again about quirk issues. He didn't have to entertain that stuttering ditz today (or any other day; you would think that nerd would pick up on the hint that he didn't like Deku).

Today would be better, especially after he got his workout and made it to school. They were supposed to start packing today and settled in their dorms by this evening. Principal Nezu cut classes short so the teacher could help the students move some of their belongings to the doors, but it wouldn't be too bad. Katsuki didn't own much, so he could use his free time to study. The hag wasn't happy when she learned he wasn't first in the class. Technically, he shared first place with Yayaorozu, but that wasn't enough for Mitsuki.

Nothing ever was.

But once he got to the dorm, Katsuki wouldn't have to worry about her breathing down his damn neck. He would have more freedom and more time to explore his creative side; he would be able to have some fucking privacy and not worry about his hag of a mother trashing his room or removing his door as punishment (and to show who holds all the power).

Everything was just fine.

Thankfully, the kitchen was empty, and Katsuki rifled through the pantries for granola bars and protein powder. The shake could wait until after everyone was up. Setting it aside, he snatched one of the ripe apples off the counters, prepared a water bottle, and closed the fridge with the heel of his foot.

He was ready to leave when Masaru entered the kitchen, a robe wrapped around his thin body. Katsuki said nothing, staring at his old man before wetting his bottom lip. They made brief contact before Masaru helped himself into the kitchen, gently pushing Katsuki to the side.

"You're up early," Katsuki quietly commented, watching his dad shuffle about the kitchen, pulling pans and ingredients from the cabinets and refrigerator.

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