Chapter - 08

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Will you walk with me?

“Have we met before? You look familiar.” Sun asks what's on his mind. She decided to follow this girl because she thought it was strange and felt familiar with her.

“We go to the same school.”



“What year are you?”

"First year."

“Which class?”


“You’re in the same class as Tinh. That’s why it looks familiar.”

“Yes… We actually crossed paths several times.”

“And you never told me it was you. How evil.”



Sun's cell phone is vibrating, interrupting their conversation.

“Yes, dad… I'm outside. Has it arrived yet…? Right. I am going. Until later." Sun puts his cell phone in his pocket to talk to Ongsa with a serious face.

“Ongsa… we can start over, but you need to promise me that you won’t disappear again without telling me anything.”

"I promise." Ongsa whispers.

“Great… I'll go then. My father called me.”


By the time she made it through the congested traffic and got home, the generation's cute girl is exhausted, lying helplessly on her Disney princess bed in her room. Now that Sun is quiet alone, she reflects on everything. She can't believe things like this can happen. She thought it was only possible in books or novels.

… A girl…?

She's been talking to a girl this whole time.

The person who made her heart beat faster was a girl.

The person who made her freak out all month was a girl.

If she really likes Ongsa, it means she likes girls.

Is she turning lesbian…?

This is crazy!!

What should she do? Should she honestly tell Ongsa that she doesn't like girls... after saying that gender doesn't matter? This is crazy! It's obvious how Ongsa thinks of her. If Sun says that, they won't be able to face each other and Ongsa would disappear from her life forever. Ongsa disappears… Sun cannot allow this. She almost went crazy after being without Ongsa for a month. Even though she's not a big fan of the idea of ​​being a lesbian, she doesn't want to be without Ongsa.

Anyway… why didn’t Ongsa text her? Didn't she promise she wouldn't disappear?


As expected, Sun had insomnia all night thinking about Ongsa and only managed to sleep in the early hours of the morning. How crazy. Sun thought too much when Ongsa disappeared. Now that they've met, she's thinking even more. Why does Ongsa have such a significant impact on her? She hasn't texted yet, and Sun is scared to start the conversation. Honestly, last night did Sun admit to herself that she wanted Ongsa in her life? As for a relationship beyond that, it's important and takes time. Sun wants to talk to Ongsa, but she doesn't dare to text. She is afraid that she still cannot accept this type of relationship and that her actions could hurt the person she cares about...

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