Spacial Part 1

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“Ah, you are here.”

“Have you waited long?”

"No. I just arrived. Alpha went shopping. You should be back soon.”

Speak of the devil.

“Sun, did you wait long?”

“Hi, Alpha. I just arrived."

"So let's go?"


Sun is visiting Ongsa's house today after being invited. Ongsa asked Sun to meet her at the mall after she left the cram school so they could go home together in a taxi. Sun is actually nervous about going to Ongsa's house for the first time as it seems like an official announcement. Ongsa said her father wanted to meet her. Since this came from an adult, it would be rude to refuse. Furthermore, Sun is determined to make everyone believe that she is serious about this love, and the people she needs to convince most are… Ongsa's family.

“Dad isn’t home yet.” Alpha says when they arrive and find the gate locked.

“My house is a bit of a mess.” Ongsa says, guiding Sun inside.

Sun observes the place. Ongsa's house is not as big as hers, but it is spacious and organized, not messy like the owner said.

“It’s not messed up at all.”

“It's usually messier than that, Sun. What you're seeing now is the result of someone cleaning the place up three days ago.” Alpha says to Sun. The said one makes a face at Alpha.

“Sun, sit down first. I’ll get water.” Ongsa says as he heads to the kitchen. She is excited for her girlfriend's first visit. Few people visited Ongsa's house. Most of them are relatives or friends of Alpha. Ongsa's gang usually does their chores at Tinh's or Charoen's house. Since they almost found out that Tinh is gay once, he promised to avoid Ongsa's mother as much as possible. Subsequently, Ongsa feels strange about having her own guest in the house. When Alpha invited her friends over, Ongsa would see her preparing snacks and drinks for them. Ongsa assumed it was a tradition to welcome guests.

While looking for the biscuits that her mother usually keeps in the cupboard, Ongsa, clumsy as always, doesn't pay attention to where she steps and kicks the corner of the table leg. She shouts in a high tone.


It's the world's great unsolved mystery.

Why do the legs of tables, cabinets and walls…

…attack our fingers hard?

Ongsa limps into the living room with a tray of snacks and drinks for Sun. Sun and Alpha look on in confusion, so Sun asks.

“Why are you walking like that?”

“I kicked the table :´)” Ongsa says, holding up his foot to show his injured pinky.

“Ugh!! Why are you so clumsy? Put a band-aid on.” Alpha is embarrassed by her clumsy sister. Of all days, she needs to be an idiot on the very day she brings her girlfriend home. How ridiculous.

"It is not necessary. Sit down. Let me take care of it.” Sun says. She opens her bag and takes out something.

“Wow, do you have to carry a first aid kit at all times because you’re part of the team?” Alpha points to the small bag in Sun's hand. The bag contains ointments and some types of pills.

"No. I used to just carry Band-Aids. After I started going out with Ongsa, I had to update my kit. I don't know when she will get hurt. How can you be so clumsy every day? Now it’s a habit to carry it with me.”

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