chapter 4: "oh, they were handsy."

18 3 9

Queen 😘🔥

(After the chem test)

Discodeacy: what was that

Freddiepluto: why was the test so hard
It's so different from what I read last night

Brimi: which one did you read?

Freddiepluto: i read the whole chapter

Brimi: really? I'm sure everything is in the test

Discodeacy: which chapter did u read fred

Freddiepluto: chapter 1 duh

Brimi: what?
The test is chapter 4

Freddiepluto: oh well

I'm6fttall: OMG

Discodeacy: what did yall get on 12?

Freddiepluto: Albert Einstein? Idk

Brimi: it's a number based question

Freddiepluto: well i was trying to cheat off deacy tho

Discodeacy: why were u trying to cheat off me?
I didn't even study

I'm6fttall: wait isn't there's only 10 questions

Brimi: did you check on the back?

I'm6fttall: THERE'S A BACK?!

Discodeacy: ARE U STUPID

I'm6fttall: if i fail this test my dad is gonna kill me fr

Brimi: that's why you should study

Freddiepluto: why didn't you tell me the test is chapter 4?!

Brimi: you should've pay attention in class

Freddiepluto: SHUT UP

Discodeacy: why was there a written question tho it's a math test

Brimi: it's not a math test

Discodeacy: the back was math

Brimi: :)

Freddiepluto: i can't even focus with the test because Miss Edwards keeps talking

I'm6fttall: fr
Why did she randomly talking about what her twenties was like

Discodeacy: she said she was a dancer right

Brimi: yeah
But what does she mean when she said "i miss dancing for those men"?

I'm6fttall: obv she was a stripper

Freddiepluto: yeah
"oh, they were handsy." Like wtf

Discodeacy: she even tried to deny it lmao

I'm6fttall: am i the only one that kinda want to see her dance

Brimi: ERM

Freddiepluto: wtf

Discodeacy: ur not the only one rog

Brimi: NO NO

Discodeacy: wdym
I don't wanna see her dance

Freddiepluto: then why did u say that

Discodeacy: i heard someone said she wanna see Miss Edwards dance

Brimi: SHE?!

Discodeacy: yeah
Lesbians exist bri

Brimi: ok

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