Part:8-Rio vs LUCIUS(Final part)

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"i just have one doubt,don't you feel frustrated and sad,that no matter how much effort you exert,no human would even know of your existance,dosen't that dishearten you?" the entity asked loudly,gathering the attention of the entire chaotic caste,and they turned their heads towards the person,the entity was speaking to-

She stood there, her presence commanding, with long, flowing hair that cascaded in a mix of white and purple hues, adding a touch of ethereal beauty to her appearance. Her eyes, large and expressive, held a depth that seemed to pierce through the veil of reality itself. Adorned in a regal ensemble of blue and white, her outfit bore intricate designs and lace details, reminiscent of a bygone era or a realm of fantasy. A circular pendant hung from a necklace around her neck, adding to the elegance of her attire.

Lina's smirk conveyed a sense of confidence and indifference as she responded, her voice carrying an air of authority amidst the murmurs of the onlookers.

"Who cares? As long as my duty is fulfilled, I am content. Plus," she added, dismissing the significance of human acknowledgment with a wave of her hand, "whether humans worship me or not is of little consequence. My duty given to me by father lies in guiding mankind towards a brighter future."

Meanwhile, curiosity sparked among the spectators as Orphia turned to Celia, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Celia, who is that person?" she inquired eagerly, captivated by Lina's otherworldly beauty.

Celia nodded knowingly, preparing to enlighten her companion, but before she could speak, François, the king, interjected with a question that hung heavy with reverence and disbelief.

"Are you truly the seventh wise god?" François's voice trembled slightly, betraying the awe he felt in the presence of such divine magnificence.

The air seemed to still as all eyes turned to Lina, awaiting her response with bated breath.

Lina's mischievous grin hinted at a playful demeanor as she confirmed, "Well, it seems so."

Her words sent ripples of astonishment through the gathered crowd, prompting a collective gesture of reverence as they rose from their seats to bow before her, acknowledging her divine presence with humility and respect.

François, his demeanor a mix of deference and curiosity, sought to unravel the mystery surrounding Lina's existence.

"Your Grace," he began, his voice resonating with humility, "if I may inquire, why is there no evidence of your existence recorded in our world?"

His question lingered in the air, heavy with the weight of centuries of history and tradition.

Lina raised a quizzical eyebrow, her gaze shifting to Sara, Alma, and Orphia, who stood before her with a mixture of awe and apprehension.

"It's rather presumptuous of you to assume that no evidence of my existence exists," she remarked cryptically, her words causing a ripple of uncertainty among the gathered casts.

Sara, stepped forward and asked in a curious yet exparasated tone.

"T-then was Lina-sama, who visited our village a thousand years ago?"The spirit folks outside the village were strictly prohibited from revealing any information about the village, but this situation challenged their rules, with a literal demi-god present.

"Oh, as I thought, the species blessed by the great spirits. You're really efficient. I usually cover my tracks, but to record my arrival, good job," Lina remarked, acknowledging the unexpected revelation.

"So, there were two demi-gods in our kingdom all along!?" François's mind reeled at the idea that the person before him, and the one he had known for months, were divine beings.

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