Autumn Classic Pt. 1

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Chapter Sixteen

Only hours had passed since Hana was pressed, quite literally, to her soulmate's mattress. Now, after a train ride to Montreal, she stood in the hotel room that would be their shared abode for the next week as he competed in the Autumn Classic.

She had expected the morning to be awkward, after her heated encounter with Yuzuru, where things could have gone much differently if they hadn't been interrupted. Hana also expected to be embarrassed, but the truth was... she just wasn't.

She couldn't bring herself to feel that way when his touches had felt so natural and well, good. Truly, she had been entirely unable to stop replaying that morning on repeat in her head. The feeling of his lips on her skin as their bodies rocked to a rhythm more natural than her own heartbeat was not something she would be forgetting anytime soon.

It was also hard to be embarrassed when she was so excited- because she was here, in Montreal, about to see the Autumn Classic first hand.

She knew Yuzuru would be busy throughout the entire week, with the first few days taken up with practice before the actual competition started. Regardless, Hana was on a mission to see as much skating as humanly possible. She didn't care if she had to sneak into the arena or squeeze into Yuzuru's luggage.

Hana idly swung her legs on the edge of an uncomfortable couch inside the poshest hotel room she had ever stayed in. She watched as Yuzuru meticulously unpacked and organized his belongings in the room's dresser. The precision with which he arranged his possessions intrigued her; she couldn't recall ever witnessing someone unpack with such methodical care.

It must be some kind of superstitious ritual for him, because he certainly didn't do this at home.

"So... about practice tomorrow..." Hana trailed off, watching as he folded a pair of pants with perfect 90 degree angles.

"You can come," his spoke, as if he had been expecting the question.

Hana sprung off the couch.

"Really? For the whole thing? I was really hoping to see Mai Mihara," she exclaimed, coming closer.

"We can get you an All Event Pass," he murmured, closing his suitcase and zipping it up. "Of course I wont be able to come with you. The men's practice is at a different time. You will have to go on your own."

Hana nodded rapidly, willing to agree with any stipulation in order to see as much skating as possible.

Yuzuru finally looked up. "You'll be okay?"

His sudden concern took her aback, a subtle blush rising on her cheeks. She nodded again.

"Yes, I might just go first thing in the morning and then stay the whole day. I can do that, right?" She asked, hopeful, before a worried look crossed her face-the thought of having to leave the arena apparently a cause for mortal concern. "You can stay ALL you want with an All Event Pass, right? I can't miss a second..." she rambled on, talking mostly to herself.

Yuzuru smiled gently, observing as Hana drifted into her familiar realm of daydreams. It was a place she frequented, especially when figure skating was the topic of discussion.

Prior to coming here, Yuzuru had his doubts about having to share a hotel room with his soulmate during a competition. He had his routines and ways that were non-negotiable. He had never had company in his room and he had to admit, he liked it that way. However, he found Hana's spontaneous remarks to be a pleasant diversion, oddly soothing his nerves amidst the chaos of preparation.

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