25 ~ hospital

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No Caller ID:
'So you're home alone? I see
Charles left you to go to a race
half way across the world.'

'Who is this?'

No Caller ID:
'I think you know.'

'Leave me alone. I don't know
you. Fucking creep.'

I take a deep breath and lean my head against the backboard of my bed, tears threatening to spill from my eyes as I hold a bottle of painkillers in my hand. Arthur gave me my phone back as he thought it was mean of Charles to confiscate it.

Who is this weirdo and how do they have my number? It can't be Ella because I have her number in my phone. I've already received some messages from her telling me to kill myself, so this has got to be someone else. But there's no one else I can think of. Apart from possibly my dad, but that's stupid. He probably doesn't care about me enough to do that.

Free Practice 1 was on earlier and Charles got P2 and Max got P1 with 0.037 seconds between them. It's a sprint weekend so they only get one practise session. Sprint qualifying was also on. Charles got P1 and Max got P3. So Charles is on pole for tomorrow's sprint.

Arthur put it on the tv and we watched it live, but it wasn't very exciting. Except for Charles' pole lap.

"Hi Em, you alright?" Arthur asks as I walk into the living room. I'm really lightheaded. Charles shouldn't have told me where he keeps the painkillers. I took too many.

"I took a shit load of pills." I mutter, walking over to the sofa and standing up in front of him, swaying from side to side slightly.

"Pills? What kind of pills?" He questions, sitting up straight on the sofa and looking at me worriedly.

"Oh you know." I slur slightly, struggling to keep my vision straight. "Pills." I add, getting a sudden wave of lightheadedness and almost falling over.

Arthur quickly stands up and grabs my upper arms to keep me stable. I shut my eyes as the unnecessarily bright lights are beginning to hurt them.

"Emilie?" He asks urgently, bending down slightly to look at my face. "Let me look at your eyes." He adds, his voice sounding firm but also concerned.

I open my eyes but squint slightly trying to block out all the brightness. Can he just dim the fucking lights?

"Your pupils are blown. Are you sure you've only had some painkillers?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows. I nod my head slowly, feeling like my head is about to explode.

"You've not had cocaine or weed or anything?" He adds, looking into my eyes. I just furrow my eyebrows at him, giving him the answer he needs. "Ok, sorry. Just asking." He blurts out quickly, his hands still firm on my arms keeping me steady.

"We're going to the hospital." He states, taking another look into my eyes. I shake my head and step away quickly, almost loosing my balance.

"No. I'm not going to the hospital." I state loudly, taking a deep breath. My stomach feels like it's being stabbed.

"Emilie, please. Let me take you to the hospital. I need to make sure you're ok." He says calmly, but I can see the worry in his eyes.

"No. It's not happening. I'm not going." I say, closing my eyes to regain my balance once again. I can barely stand up straight.

"I'll call Charles." He threatens, grabbing his phone out of his trouser pocket and clicking on Charles' contact.

"No, please." I beg, keeping my eyes shut as his left hand maintains a firm grip on my right upper arm. "I'll go." I add.

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