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jeff, the only hug i feel
is water on my skin
burning it in the shower
dying a little further
but still breathing, however
jeff, they say i am a mean sister
a bad daughter
but would i have been a good lover?
could i have replaced the tears on someone's face?
could i have been a gentle water?
i so desperately want to give love
give, give, give
and find my own
but everything is dry
and water doesn't come
i am here, waiting ashamed
for a soul that would want to hold mine
kiss my hair and dry my body
from this murderous water
and instead, be the beautiful foutain
that sublimates a landscape
be the gentle hand
that would heal mine
jeff, i want to be loved softly
i want to be safe somewhere else than in my childhood's summers
i want to run away from this awful storm
and live again in a gentle rain

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