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Arabella's POV


A painful lump blocks the flow of oxygen to my lungs as I dart my eyes around the hall, searching for Daisy.

She was just here.

I was too engrossed in my conversation with the Secretary of Earthbound Corporations to realize she had gone off.

I shouldn't have been brought here.

I shouldn't have.

I know this is no time to blame myself. I need to find her. She doesn't know anyone or anywhere around. We just got to New York two nights ago and I have been so busy trying to fix things up for the launching of the partnership with Earthbound Corporations.

This is the major reason why I came back to New York. In an attempt to meet up with the CEO, I decided to attend the company's third anniversary.

And Daisy is nowhere to be found.

“Have you seen her?” Ashley, the secretary I was speaking with before Daisy disappeared asks me.

I shake my head, trying to calm my nerves and not burst into tears. The fear is back. Ever since Daisy's birth, I had always had this fear; of losing her.

I have no idea what would happen if something bad happened to her. I can't live without my sweet girl.

“Should we check the restroom? She mentioned something about using the restroom earlier, remember?” Ashley reminds me.

That is true. But that was thirty minutes ago. I totally forgot about it.

I told her to stay calm so I could take her myself as soon as I was done conversing with Ashley. I never knew our conversation would take that long because she was an easy person to converse with.

She is friendly too.

I haven't made any friends in a long while. Perhaps, this is the reason why I see a friend in her.

Quickly, I stride towards the direction leading to the restroom. The hall is already swarmed with guests from various countries. The CEO must be a wealthy man considering the rumors I have heard about him.

This is not the only company he has. In fact, Earthbound is the fifth company in over five years.

We get to the restroom and I halt, turning back to see Ashley right behind me. I am scared of pulling the door open to see someone else in there so I decide to knock.

Turning to face the door, I raise my trembling hand to knock slightly, shutting my eyes and wishing to hear her tiny sweet voice answering with a “Yes”.

Silence ensues.

I flicker my eyes open, my heart drumming hard as I knock again, this time louder.

If Daisy isn't here, then I have no idea where else to find her. She doesn't know anywhere. Where could she have gone? Did something trick her out? Did she see anyone her age that she thought could be her friend?

Daisy is my total opposite. I don't make friends easily but she does. I am too quiet and reserved but she isn't. I don't smile without a reason but she does. I am not jovial but she is.

Everyone is Daisy's friend, including Ashley, someone we just met thirty minutes ago.

“Oh, God!” I facepalm myself, my body trembling as I force myself to step back. I know she isn't there.

“Calm down, let's split. Go back to where we were standing before she disappeared while I go check outside, ok?” Ashley's soothing voice does not do anything to reduce the sour feeling spreading in my stomach.

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