III: Part Eight

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Things do not seem to change much after that night. Vessel feels as though he is walking on eggshells around the other vessels, trying to be so careful about asking for too much affection even if he craves it like oxygen. III has been relentless in his affections, though. Asking at all hours of the day for kisses that steal Vessel's breath and leave him aching for more. Vessel finds II and III in the kitchen making breakfast in the mornings as III hangs off II's back, arms wrapped around his waist and aches for that same closeness. His empty chest aches when III coaxes II into a short dance that II tries to shy away from, stumbling awkwardly as III hums along to the radio he brought down from their room. III's boisterous laughter and encouragement to have some fun with them, even as II complains about the food beginning to burn is endearing and Vessel feels like an outsider, lingering at the kitchen door trying his hardest not to be noticed.

He wonders what would have happened if he'd had the courage to join them.

II and III have picked up a brand new routine of giving each other, and then Vessel, in no particular order, kisses when they wake in the morning. None of them have seemed to sleep in their own rooms since they officially started dating, which wasn't too far off from the way things were before. He aches for the way those two cuddle close at night or just lazing about, II's head on III's chest or the other way around, unafraid to be that vulnerable with someone else.

Vessel is happy when II and III ask to kiss him. So, so happy. He never refuses, always eagerly agrees. He wants to soak in every ounce of affection they'll give him like a sponge. Vessel knows he will never tire of it, needs to take in all of it he can while they still wish to give it.

Just a few days after Vessel got revenge for III, he sits on his piano bench, writing down chord changes as he works on a song with his guitar. Already, he has a few ideas for lyrics inspired by a certain bassist, though Vessel isn't sure the song will ever see the light of day. It's no where near completed, merely a base melody and a couple lyric lines he needs to work off of. A knock on the doorframe startles him from his concentration, and lo' and behold, one of the objects of his desire stands at the door with a smile.

"Hey, Sugar, y'wanna head out to see my garden? I started it the day you were... gone. I was thinking we could go on a walk after, see if Two wants to join?"

There's a nervous flush to III's cheeks that Vessel doesn't usually see. Vessel nods, already beginning to put his guitar away. III lights up, smile growing wider as he practically vibrates in place, trying to keep still to not make Vessel too nervous. III meets Vessel halfway to the door, eagerly offering up their hand that Vessel takes with a smile, swinging their hands between them gently as III practically pulls Vessel towards the living room.

II lays on the couch playing on his phone, tired eyes watching the screen with a furrow between his brow as he scrolls through something with utmost concentration. "Doll, did you wanna go on a walk with Vessel and I after I get done showing him the garden?"

"Are you asking me out on your date with Ves?" II inquires curiously, turning away from his screen, and Vessel startles a little, faltering behind III.

"Yes! I don't really want to go outside of Sleep's realm yet so this is all I've come up with." III grins, nodding along with II's words.

Vessel splutters, eyes a little wide, not realizing that this is what III was aiming for. They were asking him on a date? Vessel didn't realize, didn't even think-

Feeling Vessel's surprise over the bond, III turns his sheepish smile on to Vessel, as they nervously run a hand through their hair. "I thought you realized. My bad, Sugar. I would like to take you out on a date, if that's alright?"

Vessel is nodding before he can think better of it, and III grins, bringing Vessel's hand up to plant a kiss over his knuckles. "Still not talking much, sweetheart?" II asks, watching the both of them fondly.

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