Did I Meet You Before?

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Bada x Kirsten 

>Angst to fluff<

Highschool au


Bada Lee, the girl all the boys wanted, and the girl all the other girls wanted to be. She was the bitchiest girl in the school. My friends made me become friends with her to tear her down. Then I got to meet the real Lauren, not the one everyone knew but the nice, smart, caring Bada. Bada had finally let me in, and theI broke her heart.

It all started with the plan.

I was putting my books away when my best friend was slushied. Everyone around her laughed. Bada Lee stood there, not having thrown the slushie, but watching, a smirk on her face. She turned and walked away, all her followers behind her. I sighed and took Latrice to the restroom, to help her get cleaned up.

Latrice Kamba, my best friend due to our need for Broadway, was wiping the slushie off her face. She cleaned up, while I stood there, helping when I can, and leaving when she was undressed. I walked to the choir room with her. All of friends were there because it was the one place we were safe from the bullying, we were safe from Bada Lee and her crew.

"She needs to know she can't mess with us. She has to know how it feels," Latrice muttered, as she walked to her girlfriend. Redlic hugged her, and started to whisper soothing words in her ear.

"She need to learn a lesson," Ling told them, as the other friends nodded. They all felt the same thing, but none of them knew how to make Bada pay for what she was doing to them.

"Kirsten" Emma said. She was a Krump dancer, but she was my cousin. She would never be mean to the Dancer kids, she had grown up with them, and we were all friends. She knew she would stand by us no matter what.

I looked at her, confused. I didn't know what I had to do with their revenge on Bada. 

"Haven't you guys noticed anything weird?" Emma asked, looking at all of us. She sighed when she saw the confused look on all our faces. "All of us have been slushied, except Kirsten . I don't know why, but she doesn't let anyone get Kirsten. "

My eyes widened when I realized what she said was true. All the dance kids looked at me, wanted me to explain why I was off of Bada's list.

"Maybe Bada likes her," Harimu, Latrice's stepsister, and Audrey's best friend suggested. She smiled at me, as if what she said was true.

"Why is Bada nice to you?" Redlic questioned, as she looked at me.

I shrugged. I couldn't tell them why, because I didn't know why.

"How is this going to help us?" Latrice asked, causing all of us to turn to Emma for an answer.

"Bada doesn't really talk to anyone in school except Tatter and Lusher," Emma started, causing us to nod in agreement. We all knew Bada lee only had two friends, Tatter and Lusher. She never had a real conversation with anyone else.

"And?" Yoonji inquired, not looking at us.

"We can get Kirsten to be her friend. She tells us about her, and we can bring her down," Emma explained, as if it was obvious.

I looked at her in shock. I did not expect that. I just looked at my cousin, not knowing what to say. I didn't really want to be a part of this plan, but all my friends looked excited.

"What do I have to do?" I asked, knowing I would regret it.

I had to use the easy way to get close to her. The only thing I could think of.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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